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Quad-head thermocyclers - (Jul/30/2016 )

Anyone have experience with the G-Storm or PCRmax independent quad-head thermocyclers?  Pros?  Cons? Lifespan?


Are there any other dual or quad head (96/384 well only, not those mini heads) thermocyclers currently on the market? (MJ/Biorad Dyads and Tetrads are no longer available it seems)


No idea about these and the only I know is from Biometra (Biometra Trio) with 3 x 48 wells....not enough for you.

Perhaps I'd go for three or four single block machines, which are cheaper and have advantages if one is out of order...

We bought a cheap "no name" 96 well cycler with gradient functionality and it works without problems since a few years now.


Thanks hobglobin.
