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Need waterbath recommendation - (Sep/17/2010 )

Dear all,

I would like to buy a small stirred waterbath that I can just put next to my bench and use instead of a thermocycler at 23C. It should ideally be able to accomodate an eppi rack or have its own so I dont have to use floaters. I have googled some but have no ideas what companys are good and im confused about the things offered. Could someone help me? Otherwise I would really appreciate a cooling thermocycler that costs less than 2000 bucks lol

thank you!


PhD on Fri Sep 17 10:36:39 2010 said:

Dear all,

I would like to buy a small stirred waterbath that I can just put next to my bench and use instead of a thermocycler at 23C. It should ideally be able to accomodate an eppi rack or have its own so I dont have to use floaters. I have googled some but have no ideas what companys are good and im confused about the things offered. Could someone help me? Otherwise I would really appreciate a cooling thermocycler that costs less than 2000 bucks lol

thank you!

It's not easy to get ones that cool too. If you really want a water bath, you can't go past Grant water baths, they are really good. You could also try things like the Dry-blocks, which are basically a lump of aluminium with holes for tubes, surrounded by a heater. I think there are now cooling ones available.
