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Rat Related Discussions
  1. rat urine for metabolite analysis - (reply: 1)
  2. Rat DRGs - extracting RNA - Best method to prep for RNA extraction (reply: 2)
  3. rat urine treatment for HPLC - (reply: 1)
  4. Rats or mice for research? - (reply: 7)
  5. Cutting rat liver - (reply: 2)
  6. Sham or Naive Rats - (reply: 4)
  7. Human annexin V for apoptotic rat neurons? - may be a stupid question (reply: 1)
  8. Male/female sex genotyping in rats - (reply: 2)
  9. In situ hybridization performed on rat liver sections, paraffin - Does anyone have good cellular morphology with NBT/BCIP? (reply: 6)
  10. Housekeeping genes for rat brain - (reply: 4)
  11. rat bone marrow mast cell maturation - Anyone have any experience or advice? (reply: 1)
  12. How to find promoter region of rat gene? - (reply: 2)
  13. Finding a target gene sequence in rat genome using a mice gene - How to find the delta opioid receptor gene in rat if the sequence is k (reply: 2)
  14. Why are rats commonly used in hepatotoxicity analysis - (reply: 2)
  15. PLL and Laminin Coating for primary rat cortical neurons - Cell Cluster and die (reply: 2)
  16. Picture of the rat phrenic nerve - diaphragm preparation - (reply: 4)
  17. rat intestine - (reply: 6)
  18. How to convert from human dosage to rat dosage? - (reply: 2)
  19. Culture of rat cortical neurons - E16 or E18? (reply: 14)
  20. How to separate the antigen presenting cell from spleen of rat - (reply: 1)
  21. Problems in the DNA extraction from blood of rats - (reply: 5)
  22. Rat Brain Tissue RNA Isolation with TRIzol - (reply: 9)
  23. CV staining rat brains - (reply: 5)
  24. Rat & Mouse Brain - (reply: 3)
  25. immunohistochemistry protocol for rats tissue - protocol for immunohistochemistry using rat tissue (reply: 1)
  26. rat's umbilical cord culture - (reply: 4)
  27. rat Cytokine ELISA - (reply: 1)
  28. where to buy rat M-CSF? - (reply: 4)
  29. pECL Eco viral vector and Rat cells - viral receptor present? (reply: 1)
  30. How to sacrifice adult rats - (reply: 19)
  31. transplantable rats or mice cell line in nude mice - (reply: 1)
  32. transfection of rat spinal cord neuronal cultures - (reply: 3)
  33. Is a rat being frozen under -20 for two days still good for RNA isolation? - (reply: 4)
  34. rat femur histopathology - decalcification (reply: 1)
  35. Collagen I - Bovine vs. Rat tail tendon (reply: 1)
  36. Isolate splenocytes from rat - (reply: 2)
  37. is tissue from rat kidney reacting with ECL? - (reply: 9)
  38. iNOS and nNOS protein quantification from rat tissue homogenate - (reply: 1)
  39. Variable transgene copy number? - Transgene copy number varies in rats :( (reply: 1)
  40. NMDA tox and Rat Cerebellar Granular Cells ! - NMDA tox assay for Rat CGC's ???? (reply: 3)
  41. Homozygous transgenic rats - (reply: 2)
  42. which part is the synovial membrane of the rat? - (reply: 3)
  43. blood withdrawn from rats - (reply: 2)
  44. How to culture rat dorsal root ganglia cell? - (reply: 1)
  45. rat 18s rRNA primer - designing primers (reply: 1)
  46. is it effective to use a primer of SD rat to Wistar rat in PCR - help (reply: 2)
  47. Source for PAR antibody? - IHC for Poly-ADP-Ribose on rat tissues (reply: 2)
  48. Prinamry rat neuronal culture - (reply: 3)
  49. retrograde perfusion in heart of rats with collagenase - (reply: 1)
  50. neonatal rat cardiomyocytes - protocol (reply: 1)
  51. Protein extraction from rat liver tissue - (reply: 1)
  52. RNA Extraction using Trizol - How much Trizol should I use for rat brain tissue (reply: 5)
  53. Rat TNFa ELISA problems - (reply: 1)
  54. Rat Osteoblast Primary Cell Line - fetal rat calvaria (reply: 1)
  55. T cell isolation from rat wholeblood - (reply: 2)
  56. Rat rRNA - (reply: 1)