rat intestine - (Aug/04/2007 )
Hi there,
Just wondering in a lab we did a hilw back we looked a a section of rat intestine to see where lectin receptors were now I'm just wondering are the layers of the rat intestine-mucosa,submucosa,muscularis,sucosa cos in one of my previous courses we looked at a section of a rat duodenum--thats the same thing right?
Just wondering in a lab we did a hilw back we looked a a section of rat intestine to see where lectin receptors were now I'm just wondering are the layers of the rat intestine-mucosa,submucosa,muscularis,sucosa cos in one of my previous courses we looked at a section of a rat duodenum--thats the same thing right?
duodenum is only a part of whole intestine; "sucosa cos"?, I do not know
duodenum is the first part of the small intestine.
I think all parts of the intestine would have these layers described.
Also I am not familiar with sucosa cos !!!
lol sorry I meant sucosa, because (cos) in one of my previous etc etc--I should have put a comma in there sorry...
so the 4 layers are correct right?
so the 4 layers are correct right?
sorry, still not familiar with sucosa.
eeep I read/wrote it wrong--does serosa sound familiar to you
those 4 should make sense right?

those 4 should make sense right?
serosa sounds familiar and seems right.