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rat's umbilical cord culture - (Nov/05/2006 )

I want to start to culture rats umbilical cord, but I don't know how to do it. is there anybody experienced in culturing the umbilical cord? can share information with me...
thanks. wink.gif


aha, I have cultured umbilical cord mesenchymal cells for a long time. If you have some questions, I will be glad to discuss them with you.


Are you going to culture rat umbilical cord endothelai cells? If yes, you can use collagenase.


QUOTE (adamweili @ Jan 4 2007, 05:13 PM)
aha, I have cultured umbilical cord mesenchymal cells for a long time. If you have some questions, I will be glad to discuss them with you.

From what species did you culture these cells? Did you also culture mesenchymal stem cells from bone?

Until now I only isolated MSCs from bone. Next week I may get umbilical cords for collecting cells. The method seems to be the same, but maybe you know some important things I have to keep in mind.


QUOTE (adamweili @ Jan 5 2007, 12:13 AM)
aha, I have cultured umbilical cord mesenchymal cells for a long time. If you have some questions, I will be glad to discuss them with you.


I'm now using the human MSC-derived from umbilical cord blood, and I want to add the in vivo experiment.

Could you tell me the method culturing MSC in rat or mouse??

-Jungs huh.gif
