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Ethanol Related Discussions
  1. Ethanol concentration as bench antiseptic - (reply: 6)
  2. milky ethanol + viscous "pellet" - DNA precipitation (reply: 6)
  3. 2% ethanol in medium, can shsy5y stand it ? - (reply: 3)
  4. question on ethanol precipitation - (reply: 1)
  5. problem with 70% ethanol - (reply: 7)
  6. Ethanol or isoprapanol to precipitate miRNA? - (reply: 1)
  7. Adding ethanol during transformation? - (reply: 1)
  8. Maxiprep problem - Add ethanol before isopropanol (reply: 1)
  9. DNA needed! - extracting dna from buccal cells in ethanol (i think) (reply: 5)
  10. Cant see ppt after ethanol precipitation?! - (reply: 3)
  11. RNA pellet can't dissolve in ethanol - (reply: 3)
  12. Digesting ethanol precipitated DNA with AseI - (reply: 2)
  13. buffers effect on size exclusion chromatography.. - amm bicarb, phospate with or without salt/ethanol. (reply: 2)
  14. Beta mercapta ethanol - (reply: 3)
  15. Ethanol precipitation- amount of RNA? - (reply: 1)
  16. Ethanol precipitation of protein - (reply: 2)
  17. forget to add ethanol after phenolation - microrna isolation (reply: 3)
  18. Licl precipitation: -80°C or -20°C; with/without ethanol; 1hour or overnightl - (reply: 1)
  19. How fast does 99.5% ethanol lose concentration? - (reply: 11)
  20. difference between precipipitating DNA with ethanol and isopropanol - (reply: 4)
  21. Why use 75% ethanol to wash DNA during DNA extraction? - (reply: 3)
  22. Ethanol and DMSO for FITC preparation - (reply: 2)
  23. Formaldehyde or ethanol? - (reply: 2)
  24. what is the difference between 100%ethanol and 70% ethanol - (reply: 3)
  25. ethanol precipitation-wash with 70% ethanol - (reply: 4)
  26. Disinfection with weak solutions of methanol and ethanol? - (reply: 1)
  27. Altering Maxiprep procedure to prepicpitate with ethanol instead of isoproponal - (reply: 6)
  28. 95% ethanol vs 100% ethanol for DNA extraction - (reply: 4)
  29. what would happen if I autoclave ethanol? - (reply: 8)
  30. Ethanol dilution - (reply: 5)
  31. Ethanol precipitation of protein sample - What is the protocol? (reply: 4)
  32. ethanol precipitation before gel purification... - (reply: 5)
  33. can I just ethanol precipitate Klenow? - without deactivating it? (reply: 4)
  34. Ethanol precipitation vs Clean up kit? - which will yield more (reply: 16)
  35. Cell Fixation - Ethanol or Methanol? - (reply: 4)
  36. %recovery of 26mer-oligo-T purification by ethanol precipitation is very low - other oligonucleotides were about 80-95% (reply: 3)
  37. 70% Ethanol... - (reply: 4)
  38. Can DNA ethanol precipitation remove restriction enzyme? - (reply: 7)
  39. Total RNA extraction from ethanol preserved samples? - (reply: 7)
  40. How to remove traces of ethanol after RNA wash - (reply: 5)
  41. Ethanol precipitation following sucrose gradient - problem - (reply: 7)
  42. ethanol/IPA kill cell - (reply: 1)
  43. 70% Ethanol Question - (reply: 9)
  44. Why 70% ethanol & not 95% as disinfectant? - (reply: 25)
  45. What’s the difference between ethanol and isopropanol precipitation? - (reply: 3)
  46. Removal of etoh from purified samples - my gel purified samples contaminated with ethanol. how to get rid?? (reply: 6)
  47. Making a 80% ethanol/ 20% glacial acetic acid solution - (reply: 3)
  48. Ethanol precipitation problem - (reply: 7)
  49. Why DNA insoluble in ethanol - (reply: 2)
  50. killing mice with 70% ethanol.... - ethical issues... (reply: 28)
  51. Will low concentration of ethanol affect cell line? - (reply: 1)
  52. Adding "volumes" of ethanol to precipitate nucleic acids - (reply: 7)
  53. RNA contamination w/ ethanol - (reply: 18)
  54. to prepare westen blot transfer buffer, instead of methanol can i use ethanol. - (reply: 3)
  55. How does glycogen in DNA precipitation work? - (Ethanol, sodium acetate and glycogen precipitation) (reply: 4)
  56. Ethanol Precipitation - No DNA!!! (reply: 6)
  57. DNA precitipitation - DNA.....ethanol versus isopropanol (reply: 2)
  58. DNA precipitation with ethanol - (reply: 1)
  59. DNA extraction - details about ethanol precipitation - (reply: 12)
  60. Ethanol precipitation - can't get rid of all the EtOH! (reply: 4)
  61. effect of ethanol and dna concentration in pcr - (reply: 3)
  62. inactivating DNA/RNA with 70% ethanol - (reply: 3)
  63. effect of dna with ethanol overnight - (reply: 5)
  64. DMSO or Ethanol - which is relatively less toxic to cells - (reply: 5)
  65. Ideas how to pipette small volume methanol/ethanol? - (reply: 1)
  66. How ethanol precipitation works? - (reply: 2)
  67. Does residual ethanol in DNA inhibit PCR? - ? (reply: 1)
  68. Ethanol precipitation - do you mix after adding salt? - (reply: 4)
  69. Tips on ethanol precipitation of nucleic acids and wash - (reply: 48)
  70. Promega Gel Purification Kit - Cant get rid of ethanol (reply: 3)
  71. Ethanol vs Isopropanol for DNA precipitation - (reply: 37)