Why 70% ethanol & not 95% as disinfectant? - (Jun/12/2006 )
Hiya all, as a newbie here, allow me to greet u all. Hellooooo!!! I have a question which trouble me quite a long time. Why ethanol 70% is always used as disinfectant and not 95% o any other %? Can anyone help me in this question? Coz every manual i search so far just say 70% without any explaination.
because you need also water to denature the proteins, enough water but not too much, not to dilute ethanol. That's why 70% is the best concentration to use, and it is better than 90%.
also 95% ethanol evaporates very quickly at room temp, thus 70% is more effective
It also saves your ethanol
ha ha ha........
ha ha ha........
yeah, same reason my barman sells me diluted beer!
95% will only dry bacteria..

It depends on what you are using it for...
If you are using it for cleaning benched etc, then the 70% is so that there is a dehydration effect on the bacteria, thus killing the bacteria.
70% in DNA preps, for example, is used to keep the DNA as a precipitate, but still allow most of the proteins and salts to go into solution, so that the DNA is clean at the end.
This topic is previously discuss in another thread. Check this
Oh ic thanks for d informations, it has been a great help in my understanding
It also saves your ethanol
ha ha ha........
yeah, same reason my barman sells me diluted beer!
Just for curiosity's sake, but do you live in the US? it's just that I've heard things about American beer...