Disinfection with weak solutions of methanol and ethanol? - (Aug/01/2007 )
I know that ethanol in solution is most effective, as a disinfectant, at the concentration of 70 % (see other threads on this forum and elsewhere).
But what about weak solutions of ethanol and methanol? I am dealing with wastes containing around 12-40 % of ethanol and/or 10-30 % of methanol. For example, are microorganisms like Salmonella and E coli killed off in a mixture of 20 % methanol (and eg 80 % glycerol)?
The material is stored at ambient temperature.
well the thing you need to remind is that alcools tend to fix bacterias (even if the kill it).
So it's better to treat with detergent and rinse, finishing by EtOH to be more clean.
A 10-30% etOH solution.... well seems too little for me. I would not go under 50%.
I don't have clue about methanol sterilization, but i would avoid it due to toscicity events. I think you're more exposed to meOH toxcicity.