Ideas how to pipette small volume methanol/ethanol? - (Jul/10/2005 )
When working with living cells, there is often some kind of experiments where we needed to treat them with exogenous chemicals (inhibitors for example) that are dissolved in ethanol or methanol. I had several instances where I had to pipette volume of 1 µl inhibitor, and it simply does not work. Even if you have good pipette for small volumes, it is good just for aqueous solutions, but not for methanol for example.
I can not afford to use more than 1 – 2 µl of the chemical because it is very expensive, and also I can not use it more diluted because if I pipette bigger volume of more diluted solution I will exceed the amount of methanol that is tolerable from the cells. Does anybody know a precise method for pirating small volumes of methanol/ethanol solutions?
Try using a hamilton syringe.