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121. ecology - (reply: 1)
122. growth hormone technology - (reply: 5)
123. When the time is ripe? - To all PhD students out there... (reply: 7)
124. What is the different between Eeuwens Y3 medium and MS medium - (reply: 1)
125. short term & economical preservation of culture - (reply: 1)
126. Molecular Biology Techniques Forum - (reply: 4)
127. Why few hubs control gene regulation? - (reply: 1)
128. Free publication server in biology? - (reply: 1)
129. silver colloids - how do they act? (reply: 4)
130. Sterile, Unsterile, Non-sterile - terminology confusion (reply: 17)
131. SNaPshot - What should I know before starting (reply: 1)
132. does low mRNA expression mean low relevant protein expression - looking for answers or references (reply: 9)
133. blood - (reply: 7)
134. Questions on how to present data on graph - (reply: 2)
135. weather - (reply: 11)
136. E. coli plasmid info - (reply: 1)
137. sequencing result - sequencing result (reply: 2)
138. DNA sequencing on the left and right chromosome - do we assume that left and right chromosomes have the same DNA sequenc (reply: 2)
139. Four-parameter logistic software - I need the software to generate ELISA standard curve... (reply: 2)
140. pcr machine - construction (reply: 1)
141. about caspases - (reply: 1)
142. Plant Cancer - (reply: 2)
144. transformation failure - transformation failure (reply: 3)
145. Phosphorylated Proteins - (reply: 3)
146. Western blot or western blot? - (reply: 23)
147. Shipping antibodies - (reply: 4)
148. Nerve - (reply: 5)
149. ice - (reply: 3)
150. desire definition - Chromosomal vs genomic DNA (reply: 5)

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