Nerve - (Feb/26/2007 )
I want to ask some questions about nerves:
1. Stimuli such as pressure, light, and sound do not travel along a nerve. Does it mean like stimulus certainly will not travel along a nerve but it lets an impulse travels along a nerve, or specifically, axon?
2.The electrical and chemical nature of an impulse is the same, regardless of the stimulus. It means that whatever your stimulus's intensity, for instance, may be somebody stabs you or a tack pricks your finger, the impulse is the same?
3. Does Neuron have membranes? Is that myelin sheath?
Thanks for helping me out.
I hope this is not homework...
have you tried going through neuroscience books before posting these questions.
These are simple questions and one should be able to find answers in any book.
This folder is rapidly turning into a homework folder.
Guys, that's not my homework. Those were the questions that I found out after reading my biology book. If you didn't want to answer, it's fine. Maybe I should do more online research. BTW, Is this forum for very sophisticated questions? So it's not for some people like me who is not really good at biology and try to find people to help me to improve? If so, I will not post those simple questions as you guys think again.