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Library Related Discussions
  1. Good vector for genomic library - (reply: 2)
  2. Determing the size of a cDNA library - (reply: 2)
  3. cDNA library from invitrogen - (reply: 1)
  4. Random Library Cloning - (reply: 1)
  5. Random DNA library problem - repair, ligation, digestion problem? TOPO and Zero Blunt (reply: 7)
  6. PCR from cDNA library - (reply: 1)
  7. library probabilities - (reply: 1)
  8. Many problems in genomic library construction - try to construction genomic library (reply: 3)
  9. cDNA library and molecular biology in general- am I in too deep - (reply: 3)
  10. viability assay - for bacteria, fungi - microbes in general! - screening library (reply: 2)
  11. generating a cDNA library - (reply: 1)
  12. cDNA library question - (reply: 1)
  13. Installing Staden package - problems with libraries - (reply: 2)
  14. construction of cDNA library - (reply: 2)
  15. miRNA lentiviral vector library - (reply: 1)
  16. How to amplify a phage display library - (reply: 1)
  17. Amplify XCX15 random peptide library for epitope mapping - (reply: 1)
  18. Open Biosystems - anyone use thier libraries? (reply: 4)
  19. T7Select - Anyone familiar with T7Select for library construction (reply: 1)
  20. Universal probe library probes.... - (reply: 12)
  21. phage cDNA library screening with PCR - (reply: 3)
  22. Subtractive cDNA library - (reply: 4)
  23. plant genomic DNA library preparation - (reply: 1)
  24. ligation step in cosmid library construction - (reply: 3)
  25. cDNA library insert-vector ratio - (reply: 1)
  26. cloning cDNA libraries - (reply: 4)
  27. Custom made cDNA library? - Please name the companies who made the cDNA library. (reply: 4)
  28. how to ligate random oligos to vector to construct a library? - (reply: 6)
  29. gDNA contamination in cDNA library with cDNA creator smart kit - (reply: 1)
  30. Long Term Storage of DNA - I have a pool of cosmid library (reply: 2)
  31. cDNA libraries - (reply: 2)
  32. Gene cloning - Gene library (reply: 1)
  33. genomic library and cDNA - (reply: 2)
  34. probelm with Full-length cDNA library construction - (reply: 5)
  35. library titering and amplification - (reply: 1)
  36. Amplification of phage library - (reply: 3)
  37. cDNA library screening with 5' specific primer - (reply: 1)
  38. Online chemical library - (reply: 2)
  39. PCR problem: long product (4 kb) from a cDNA library - (reply: 2)
  40. cDNA library in pACT-vector - (reply: 2)
  41. cDNA library kit - library construction (reply: 3)
  42. siRNA databases and shRNA libraries - (reply: 8)
  43. how to select plant material to construct cDNA library? - (reply: 1)
  44. hope advices on improving the efficiency of library constrction! - ask for help on library constrction! (reply: 1)
  45. Suggestions for genomic library screening ! - Design of probe (reply: 3)
  46. Help needed in library construction of metagenome - (reply: 16)
  47. non-radioactive probel labeling options for library screening - (reply: 1)
  48. Help! Problem on cDNA library construction - (reply: 2)
  49. custom genomic library construction - (reply: 2)
  50. insert loss - DNA insert loss from genomic DNA library (reply: 1)
  51. cDNA PCR - Amplifying region using PCR from cDNA library (reply: 1)
  52. PCR on cDNA libraries - (reply: 2)
  53. cDNA library (in Lambda  ZAP vector) screening - picking up plaques on nitro cellulose  membrane as replica (reply: 2)
  54. Too many positive signals fromimmunological screening of a cDNA librar - (reply: 1)
  55. How can I distinguish exons fromgenomic DNA library??? - (reply: 1)
  56. Subgenomic library construction - ligation problems - (reply: 2)
  57. How to prepare cDNA library fromsingle cells - (reply: 1)
  58. cDNA library construction - (reply: 1)
  59. cDNA library screening - (reply: 1)