Installing Staden package - problems with libraries - (Jan/13/2008 )
I know this is not really biology, but I thought this forum would be the only place where there would be people with experience with Staden.
I'm trying to install Staden (version 1-7-0) on an x86-64 linux machine running Red Hat Enterprise server 4 (kernel 2-6). I unpack the tar, set STADENROOT, source the staden.profile file, but then when I try to execute a binary like trev or pregap4 I get the error:
stash: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
My system has both 32 and 64 bit libraries, and for x11 both are there and in the correct places. The system is fully up2date. I've tried compiling from source but run into similar library issues.
Has anyone successfully installed and run pregap4 or other staden utilities on an x86-64 bit linux machine? Any idea how to fix this?
I'm installing this to quality control some SAGE data - does anyone know of an alternative package which can quality and vector clip sanger sequence data on linux? And process SAGE tags?
Any suggestions appreciated - and thanks for your time,
Just out of interest, has anyone successfully installed Staden on a Red Hat installation?
It has been years since I had red hat ... but yes I had it running when I did my MSc ...
The error you are seeing is because you are missing the correct libraries.
I haven't used up2date for ages ... I changed to Ubuntu (because it is almost idiot proof - this is really the case )
The solution is to download and install the library (maybe from sourceforge!!!)
There is a package we have at work (the sanger) for doing this ... however I work on a mac and don't pay much attention to other peoples work ... so I can't remember what it is called - I further suspect that it isn't free. Will find out what it is called and post back on Tuesday or whenever I go back in.