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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Molecular-Biology-Products
31. Prices of RNA-Seq Kit - RNA-Seq Kits (reply: 1)
32. Best Total RNA Isolation Kit - For plants, and tiny samples <10mg (reply: 3)
33. RIP kits for bateria - (reply: 1)
34. How to reduce electrophoresis times - Impatient me needs faster results (reply: 16)
35. petri dish sealing - (reply: 3)
36. Phusion Taq - Storage Conditions (reply: 2)
37. Cheapest place for ethanol? - (reply: 2)
38. single gene amplification - cDNA synthesis and amplification with gene specific primers (reply: 2)
39. MaestroGen UltraSlim LED illuminator - for DNA gel (reply: 1)
40. Purified lambda phages - (reply: 1)
41. pGL3 promoter vector - (reply: 1)
42. MaestroGen UltraBright UV Transilluminator - (reply: 1)
43. Maxiprep reagents - (reply: 5)
44. Looking for recommendation for total RNA extraction kit - (reply: 4)
45. Rnase A for plasmid miniprep - cheaper alternative to qiagen? (reply: 4)
46. mass spectrometry services - Ocimum Biosolutions launches mass spectrometry services in India (reply: 3)
47. Extraction of RNA from blood samples - Problems (Trizol method) (reply: 1)
48. ubiquitin isopeptidases - (reply: 2)
49. 2 d gel electrophoresis consumable - any brand? (reply: 1)
50. RNA marker for isotope labeled - (reply: 2)
51. Free trial for BxSeqTools: Online Sequence Analysis and Cloning software - free trial for BxSeqTools: Online Sequence Analysis and Cloning (reply: 1)
52. Imaging Software - (reply: 2)
53. pGL4 ? - (reply: 1)
54. DyLight vs. IRDye Western Blot Li-Cor Odyssey - Flourescent labled antibody DyLight vs IRDye (reply: 1)
55. What reagent to make glycine stock in? - glycine stock (reply: 1)
56. Best & Most Popular Kits - for lysis, extraction, etc... (reply: 2)
57. Mammalian expression vectors with HA, c-myc, FLAG or anyother tag - The lab is running out of funds and need some cheap source. (reply: 3)
58. Invitrogen's BLOCK-IT lentiviral kit - problems getting virus (reply: 5)
59. What happens when a manufacturer discovers a bat lot/batch? - Do they notify all clients? (reply: 2)
60. can we prepare Copmetent cell by calicum cloride with 0.09 OD - Cp cells with 0.09 OD (reply: 3)

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