pGL3 promoter vector - (Oct/27/2010 )
I am using a pGL3 promoter vector for our DNA plasmids. Will someone please explain how the SV40 promoter works and why this vector would of been chosen over the basic pGL3 vector?
liz_ibg on Wed Oct 27 14:32:46 2010 said:
I am using a pGL3 promoter vector for our DNA plasmids. Will someone please explain how the SV40 promoter works and why this vector would of been chosen over the basic pGL3 vector?
Hello liz_ibg,
The pGl3 Promoter Vector contains the SV40 promoter but not the enhancer. This vector is typically used to study upstram (or downstream) enhancer elements, but not promoters as there is already a promoter, TATA box and other elements to run basic transcription. The pGL3 basic vector contains no promoter or enhancer elements, so all of the basic transcroption sequences would need to be present to get luciferase actiivty, as would be the case if you cloned a promoter or putative promoter.
I hope this helps answer your question. Please don't hesitate to contact Promega Technical Services if you should ahve additional quesitons or feel free to contact me.