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Unknown Fungus - Looking to Identify unknown fungus (Aug/24/2010 )

Hey yall, I am a mycologist that has run into a fungal contamination of all of my mushroom pans. I have attached a photo of said contamination. I have taken this photo to alot of mycology forums and have yet to get a name for this little number. Currently I call it my shame. So if any of you could help me out on this one it would be greatly appreciated.
Attached Image


I think it will be very hard to get an answer just based on a picture.

You might wanne check and contact them. There are some real "fungifreaks" at that website.. maybe they can help you.


You are having a contamination with a slime mould. cannot say which one from the photo, but with a more detailed photo of one of the fruiting bodies and a microscopic picture of the spores (color), whether or not they have a columella and/or capillitium, and whether you can see chalky plates or elateres we will be able to find out the genus (and probably the species. Please post this information and I will help you to determine the fungus.


Most probably its Arcyria cinerea or something very close.


I am sorry but I do not have any more pictures or info on this fungus, I wish I would have kept a more detailed log of this, but I wanted it gone like now, so I threw out everything
