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Chow Time - share what U had (Jan/26/2009 )

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If I could figure out how to put my pictures in at a reasonable size, I would do.
It tasted a little like Ramen, but different, the noodles are a little different and the broth is made from pork bone, kind of creamy tasting soup. I prefered to ramen.


but the bigger the better, Lost-san...the more to make us envious :lol:...pork bones eh? poor pig....but it's got seafood in there as well, right? I like the kamaboko...have you often wondered why it's usually that shade of pink ?


probably cause of the food dye they add to it! :lol:
I need lessons on how to get the photo to be bigger on here...onegaishimasu (my reason for editing)


well, thank goodness it's not pink nail polish...:lol:...but I know that it's celebratory- but pink? I guess red would be worse...and I also don't know how to make 'em bigger...I'm the resident royal tech idiot....;)...


LostintheLab on Dec 15 2009, 12:46 PM said:

probably cause of the food dye they add to it! :lol:
I need lessons on how to get the photo to be bigger on here...onegaishimasu (my reason for editing)

what I do is post it to some other photo hosting site and then insert the link here.


what kind of photo hosting sight? I have a flickr account


that will do.


Ok lets see if this works
Thanks Nabi that big enough now!?


yeah, great. I can't have all of this. :D


Yeah..neither could I :D

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