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Chow Time - share what U had (Jan/26/2009 )

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That was much better that this (Dango Jiru @ Oita)


thinking of food is making me hungry now. . let me go and see what I can have today . .


I don't think I can upload, but I have a nice pic of some sushi.

-lab rat-

c'mon LaRa, do all of us a favor. Upload some sushis .. we are hungry for sushi pics <_<


Nabi on Jan 28 2010, 10:23 PM said:

c'mon LaRa, do all of us a favor. Upload some sushis .. we are hungry for sushi pics <_<

yes, wish to see some sushies :angry:


I don't know why it won't upload. It's 2.35 MB, and the compressed is 938 KB. Help?

Nevermind, I got it.

-lab rat-

nice, have you tried them already? Have a look at this too:

served in a traditional sushioke....

and this one shld probably go with it:

the fork and knife shld be chopsticks for a more authentic take....:wacko:....


ja, that was supper weeks ago. Tonight, I go to the restaurant to have Real Sushi. :wacko:

-lab rat-

those look good, LaRa. How were they? Ahhhh, may be I should go to kaiten tomorrow :wacko:


The shrimp and edamame were fine, but the tuna rolls were horrible. Even wasabi couldn't save them. :P :X

Last night's dinner, however, was tasty. Ika-nigri, chirashi-don, and steamed :)

-lab rat-
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