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BLAST Related Discussions
  1. How to identify unknown sequence? - No BLAST identity!! (reply: 21)
  2. Finding an antibody for a weird species ! - What matters in protein blast? identity or positive? (reply: 1)
  3. BLAST Help , Designing primers... - (reply: 5)
  4. BLAST search of primer sequence - (reply: 3)
  5. Blast expressed tag sequence using mRNA or genomic sequence - (reply: 1)
  6. CDS Translation for DNA blasts - How to Blast 2 DNA sequences with amino acid translations? (reply: 4)
  7. How to use Blast? - steps to compare nucleotide sequence? (reply: 4)
  8. Primer design - Issues with GAPDH primer blast search (reply: 2)
  9. blast search - where is the trick? (reply: 3)
  10. Where to get standalone BLAST with graphical interface or CGI - (reply: 1)
  11. BLAT search..How to interpret the diagram - (reply: 2)
  12. too many hits on Blast for primers / microsatellite - (reply: 4)
  13. BLAST n not similar to BLASTx - (reply: 2)
  14. BLAST analysis - (reply: 2)
  15. Ambiques Sequence Comparison results from blast - (reply: 1)
  16. standalone blast help needed - cant open .nin (reply: 3)
  17. HELP!How to identify TSS, Exon, n Coding region using Blast / Blat - (reply: 8)
  18. Parsing blast results - Parsing with biojava failed with new NCBI blast (reply: 2)
  19. BLAST SEARCH QUESTION - (reply: 1)
  20. BLAST Question - Scoring (reply: 5)
  21. BLAT serach program for beginners - How to interpret results (reply: 2)
  22. help with setting up local BLAST - (reply: 3)
  23. four questions about using BLAST search - (reply: 1)
  24. Newbie question on BLAST methods - (reply: 2)
  25. BLAST CLUST OR CD-HIT? - Which one can retrieve better results? (reply: 2)
  26. track blast result changes over time - useful? - (reply: 14)
  27. how to blast my DNA over MG1655 genome - (reply: 2)
  28. Need help in Using BLAST for beginner - finding the paralog, ortholog and protein (reply: 1)
  29. strange blast search result - (reply: 4)
  30. Using Remote NCBI blast - (reply: 6)
  31. How to choose siRNA when BLAST results show high similarity with other gene - (reply: 5)
  32. BLAST Help! - (reply: 6)
  33. BLAST EST to identify possible microRNA? - (reply: 3)
  34. Blast result: DBSOURCE - (reply: 1)
  35. BLAST search - (reply: 2)
  36. Formatting Blast output - Formatting Blast output (reply: 1)
  37. Using NCBI Blast remotely via bioperl - Using NCBI Blast remotely via bioperl (reply: 1)
  38. several questions for siRNA target BLAST - (reply: 4)
  39. help:detailed steps of doing blast search on PC - Blast program & perl innterface (reply: 3)
  40. How to create my own database and do local blast? - Local database & BLAST (reply: 2)
  41. anybody interested in batch BLAST?? - (reply: 4)
  42. How to analysis large sum of sequences ? - Blast program write by myself ? is it possible ? (reply: 1)