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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Flow-Cytometry
211. Antibody internalization - (reply: 1)
212. Merocyanine 540 - (reply: 1)
213. 3-colour labeling for the single argon-ion laser? - DNA + 2 antibodies (reply: 1)
214. Cell Cycle analysis of proliferating lymphocytes - (reply: 1)
215. problem with GFP quenching! - (reply: 2)
216. free software for analyzing FACS files - cell cycle analysis (reply: 13)
217. Antibody staining - (reply: 6)
218. DAPI and Flow Cytometry - (reply: 4)
219. DAPI/Hoechst vital staining - (reply: 3)
220. Fluorescein Diacetate / Propidium Iodide - (reply: 1)
221. Isotype Control Concentration - (reply: 1)
222. PLease help - Flouroscent Ab left at room temp (reply: 5)
223. viability test: fixation AFTER propidium iodide staining? - (reply: 1)
224. Basic flow question - In regards to setting up for experimental purposes (reply: 1)
225. Sticky cells - (reply: 2)
226. Positive control for necrosis/apoptosis - (reply: 1)
227. Antibody titration and Cell number - (reply: 1)
228. DNase and PMA/Iono - (reply: 1)
229. quadrant analysis problem - (reply: 1)
230. Live/dead staining - FDA, CFDA,CFDA-AM.and CFSE? (reply: 3)
231. shift of second peak ??? - (reply: 1)
232. CFSE staining of mycobacteria - (reply: 1)
233. Mean and Median Fluorescence Intensity - (reply: 2)
234. Fluorescence Compensation - (reply: 3)
235. Problems with viability of Jurkat's cells - (reply: 3)
236. THP-1 cell surface markers for Flow Cytometry - Need a robust marker for undifferentiated THP-1 cells (reply: 1)
237. PMA/Iono - (reply: 1)
238. fixation of formaldehyde - (reply: 1)
239. Mitochondrial membrane potential - (reply: 3)
240. In vivo monitoring leukemia growth - with green fluorescent protein or CFSE (reply: 3)

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