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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Flow-Cytometry
91. Requesting basic protocols on cell sorting - (reply: 1)
92. How to draw figures from Flow cytometry data - (reply: 3)
93. Problems with fixation? - (reply: 7)
94. FACS Buffer - (reply: 5)
95. Please help - FACS to ELISA for antibody testing - (reply: 3)
96. Suitable fluorophores for low pH - (reply: 1)
97. Propidium iodide staining - (reply: 1)
98. Analysis of high throughput screen for cell surface markers - (reply: 1)
99. IgG control - (reply: 4)
100. Annexin binding buffer (urgent advice) - (reply: 2)
101. ROS detection using DCFDA - (reply: 2)
102. FACS antibody titration - (reply: 5)
103. GFP tagged protein expression detection - (reply: 1)
104. centrifugation speed/cell prep for flow - (reply: 4)
105. ANNEXIN V staining for FLOW - (reply: 3)
106. Tween-20 vs Triton-X vs Saponin - (reply: 1)
107. What positive control for intracellular staining? - (reply: 1)
108. what's that small peak prior to G1? - (reply: 2)
109. Fixed cells, sticky cells? - (reply: 2)
110. Difference between flow cytometry and immunostaining? - (reply: 3)
111. what's more useful in flow cytometry - (reply: 3)
112. Help reading/identifying part of a FCM chart. - (reply: 1)
113. What if I froze a PE-conjugated antibody - (reply: 2)
114. Looking for cell surface markers. - (reply: 3)
115. intracellular cytokine staining - (reply: 1)
116. staining at 37 degrees or RT - OK or really bad ? - (reply: 3)
117. data analysis for single cell size and distribution - (reply: 1)
118. Extracting DNA from FACS sorted cells - (reply: 3)
119. FACS Sorting and Protein Purification - (reply: 5)
120. sample pool - (reply: 2)

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