shift of second peak ??? - (Oct/09/2009 )
WHen I treat my cells with a special protein that alters cell surface composition. with treatment I expected arrest in cell division because of its pysiologic activity and inhibition of tumor cell proliferation. But what I saw was a shift from my secon G2/M peak from 400 to 300 in FL2-A! The two peaks just near, the first one stays at 200 but the second one goes down.
Would you say that cells completely loose G2/M or is it maybe the wrong basic settings I Have? Because I saw some pictures where people state the first peaks righ at the left side as apoptotic cells. I could never explain that because as far as I know, apoptotic, PI-positive cells are very highly PI positive and not visible on the linear scale because they are two high in FL-2 staining.
Can anyone explain that phenomenon of the peak shift?
It`s me again. Is it that noone knows the answer? Please give me a clue about this 1 1/2 DNA content.+ if you can