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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Bioinformatics-and-Biostatistics
181. How to use available Bioperl data to build evolutionary software? - (reply: 8)
182. How to download whole Genome of Bacteria with Individual genes in FASTA format a - (reply: 3)
183. Sequence submission in GenBank using Sequin - (reply: 1)
184. Any free software for assembly of genomes - (reply: 3)
185. Protein structure prediction - (reply: 1)
186. Appropriate statistics to apply- Fishers exact test? - (reply: 2)
187. Bioedit software features - (reply: 1)
188. Anova on data expressed as a ratio/% of control - (reply: 2)
189. different types of studies - (reply: 1)
190. annotate mRNA and gDNA seq, Identify 5' and 3' untraslated regions, Iden - (reply: 2)
191. Receptor and gene interaction - (reply: 2)
192. Linux Software - (reply: 11)
193. Transcription Starting Site Prediction Software - (reply: 1)
194. sequencing results - (reply: 8)
195. Looking for a method to filter out data from related BLAST results - (reply: 2)
196. Primer Design Help: GFP primers for Arabidopsis - (reply: 1)
197. Am I using the right t-test for each comparison? - (reply: 2)
198. What test should I use? - (reply: 4)
199. How to use NCBI ? - (reply: 4)
200. I'm desperately seeking for the program that I used to generate this alignm - (reply: 8)
201. T-test: ratios or log ratios - (reply: 4)
202. anova using raw data - confused... - (reply: 1)
203. Finding a Paper Through NCBI/Ensembl - (reply: 1)
204. What is the best statistical method for quantifying wastewater quality - (reply: 13)
205. Finding region of interest in a gene - (reply: 2)
206. transcription factor binding site prediction tool - (reply: 2)
207. How to install CD-HIT in Ubuntu? - (reply: 1)
208. Protein sequencing gaps - (reply: 1)
209. blast bacterial genomes like e.coli - (reply: 1)
210. immunogenecity bioinformatics - (reply: 6)

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