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What test should I use? - (May/26/2012 )

Hi there,

I recently did an ELISA and have no idea what type of stats test to use?...I haven't done a single stats paper/stats related anything in over am struggling to analyze my current results.

I basically did the standard elisa,,,,adding various amounts of protein to coated wells...and i did triplicate wells for each i guess what i would like to know if there is a a stat. sig difference between the highly concentrated and less concentrated samples...

anyhelp will be greatly appreciated..preferably in a language i can understand!



You should try repeated mesures AOVA


ANOVA test



Thanks for the replies...I tried doing the RM anova but it came out as sig..but clearly I had no binding..soo what am I doing wrong..essentially the -ve control values were the same as by test readings..the curve shows a very very slighly increase from lowest conc. to highest conc. If i wanted to test if there was a diff. between highest/lowest comp..seems an Anova isn't working :(


May be you need a post hoc test, like Dunnet for comparing every group against the control, or the tukey test to compare every group of your samples.

you could try to post this question to with some sample data
