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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Bioinformatics-and-Biostatistics
211. Promoter analysis - (reply: 1)
212. Bioinformatic analysis & 3D structure - (reply: 2)
213. Extra variable in scattered chart? - (reply: 1)
214. When did BLAST become so f... up? - (reply: 2)
215. Stand alone blast-XML output - (reply: 1)
216. Determining the N- and C-terminal regions in a protein - (reply: 6)
217. BLASTing protein block - (reply: 1)
218. how to find copy number for different alu subfamilies - (reply: 1)
219. Determining gene of interest from Cell culture lines - (reply: 2)
220. Timeline statistics - (reply: 3)
221. Searching genome with specifed number of Ns between two known sequences - (reply: 2)
222. Need help with basic bioinformatics - (reply: 1)
223. curve fitting - growth modelling - (reply: 4)
224. Statistical Tools - (reply: 1)
225. Help with verifying that I'm looking at polymorphisms? - (reply: 3)
226. BLAST of ITS4 ITS5 sequence - (reply: 2)
227. Comparison of gene structure - (reply: 1)
228. Guessing candidate miRNAs from mRNA microarray - (reply: 2)
229. BLAST of shRNA sequence - (reply: 2)
230. PAML tree design - (reply: 1)
231. websits for gene exon and intron sequences - (reply: 1)
232. Chromosomes and exons - (reply: 1)
233. how to know introns of a gene - (reply: 3)
234. expression of dirrefent isoforms f the same gene in different tissues - (reply: 1)
235. Software to construct a cladogram from a gel - (reply: 2)
236. Identifying which promoters are regulating gene expression - (reply: 2)
237. pairwise alignment results explanation please - (reply: 4)
238. Software for selection genes related to concrete cell processes - (reply: 1)
239. Bioinformatic tools for novel miRNA target prediction - (reply: 2)
240. EST sequence analysis - Need a good freely available online software to analyze EST sequences (reply: 1)

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