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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Biochemistry
151. myc-tagged proteins - (reply: 1)
152. Why should I use glycine to a final concentration of 125mM ? why not more or les - (reply: 3)
153. Freeze Thawing Chemicals - (reply: 9)
154. phospholipid preparation in methanol - (reply: 1)
155. Conversion of Absorbance into enzyme units - (reply: 6)
156. Trouble Shooting Zymogram - (reply: 6)
157. Quantification of Bacteria Urease Activity??? Berthelot method. - (reply: 1)
158. Troubling for antibody biotinylation - (reply: 1)
159. Where can I find the extinction coefficient of glutathione (GSH)? - (reply: 3)
160. Can muramyl-dipeptide (MDP) withstand heat and/or irradiation inactivation? - (reply: 2)
161. protein biochemistry - (reply: 1)
162. Inorganic phosphorous - (reply: 2)
163. Precipitation during dialysis - (reply: 2)
164. Experience with Y-PER Plus, dialyzable yeast protein extraction reagent - Pierce - (reply: 1)
165. Leucine Dehydrogenase Assay - (reply: 2)
166. Radioligand - Saturation Assay Help! - (reply: 1)
167. What colour do sem*n stains glow under a black light? - (reply: 1)
168. ATPase enzyme assay !!!!! - (reply: 3)
169. freeze dried powder - (reply: 7)
170. thiol-modified oligonucleotide: thiol deprotection - (reply: 1)
171. Phospholipase C activity measurement - (reply: 1)
172. MgCl2 (and EDTA) in buffers - (reply: 10)
173. DMSO for pepetide-oligonucleotide conjugation - (reply: 1)
174. Problems with high molecular weight protein transfer in western blot - (reply: 1)
175. Experiment design - (reply: 2)
176. enzyme activity at 100C - (reply: 5)
177. Is it possible to assay the carbohydrate profile of a cell? - (reply: 2)
178. Preparing Palmitate:BSA solution for treatment of cells? - (reply: 7)
179. How to prepare Tris-HCl buffer for protein crystallization? What does 33mM mean? - (reply: 6)
180. enzyme related question? - (reply: 4)

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