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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Biochemistry
241. chimeric transcription factor - (reply: 4)
242. hiv protease storage condition - (reply: 1)
243. High background using 5% BSA for blocking Western Blot - (reply: 3)
244. ATPase assay - (reply: 1)
245. IC50 - (reply: 3)
246. Changing buffer from pH 7.4 to pH 5.9 - (reply: 3)
247. How does Mfold work?? - ... and what to the deltaG values represent? (reply: 1)
248. potassium buffer - how to make a potassium buffer? (reply: 8)
249. Problems with the preparation of radiolabelled Probe - Hi, (reply: 2)
250. Quaternary structure - what is this (reply: 2)
251. Calculation of enzyme activity - (reply: 1)
252. enzyme activity in inhibition assay - (reply: 2)
253. enzymatic inhibition protocol - (reply: 1)
254. Specific activity - what does it mean by an enzyme? (reply: 3)
255. Km values in enzymology - (reply: 1)
256. Extraction protein from paraffin-embedded tissues - (reply: 1)
257. Enzyme activity assay - (reply: 1)
258. Enzyme concentration in mol/mg - (reply: 3)
259. Biochemistry Lab - Action of lipase and bile on milk? - Biochemistry Lab - Action of lipase and bile on milk? (reply: 1)
260. Biotin- avidin pulldown assays - basics (reply: 5)
261. looking for kinase inhibitor to study phosphatase - kinase inhibitor (Inhibit phosphorylation on transmembrane receptor) (reply: 4)
262. Quantification of total lipids in tisuue - (reply: 1)
263. enzymatic inhibition assay - (reply: 5)
264. boiling point of allicin, diallyl sulphide, diallyl disulphide and ajoene - (reply: 2)
265. How did they know what we knew? like in the case of TCA cycle - (reply: 3)
266. phage display - peptide differentiation (reply: 1)
267. Detection of phosphorylation site - (reply: 23)
268. Protease Assay - (reply: 4)
269. Strip and Reprobe ELISA - (reply: 2)
270. Lipid raft extraction HELP! - (reply: 2)

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