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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Biochemistry
121. Solubilizing conditions for brain lysate - (reply: 3)
122. protein concentration and Pull down - (reply: 3)
123. Enzyme assay - (reply: 3)
124. Purifying a "protein" - (reply: 2)
125. Mass Spec software - (reply: 2)
126. Calculating PPM - (reply: 14)
127. preparation of hydrogen peroxide - (reply: 3)
128. Suggest best protocol for Adenosine deaminase activity - (reply: 1)
129. Molar calculation from liquid - (reply: 7)
130. there is some way to replace MOPS in a buffer solution? - (reply: 5)
131. Characterization of enzyme in crude extract - (reply: 1)
132. Molar Calculation - (reply: 1)
133. cellulase enzyme - (reply: 2)
134. initial velocity in an enzyme reaction - (reply: 10)
135. Tomato Glucanase and Glutamine Synthetase Assays - (reply: 8)
136. Arginine on anione IEC - (reply: 3)
137. Phosphotidyl ethanolamine conjugated protein - (reply: 1)
138. The Cost of Knowledge - (reply: 1)
139. Enzyme dependent to temperature - (reply: 4)
140. metal chelation for proteins - (reply: 3)
141. Measuring Ribosomal Translation Speed in-vitro - (reply: 1)
142. How to concentrate a small peptide < 2 kDa? - (reply: 5)
143. diluting standards BCA assay - (reply: 2)
144. Cell confluency, transfection, protein expression for 293T cells - (reply: 2)
145. Preparation of phosphate potassium buffer - (reply: 3)
146. Lost of Reproducibility - (reply: 4)
147. Method for protein concentration measurement - (reply: 8)
148. Calculating free Magnesium - (reply: 1)
149. PIPES pH 8.0 in lysis buffers - (reply: 2)
150. Is protein degrade by UV ? - (reply: 4)

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