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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Animal-and-Zoology
31. use of female Cre mice - (reply: 2)
32. A New Comer - (reply: 5)
33. ICV injection in mice (site of injection??) - (reply: 1)
34. Littermate control mice - (reply: 1)
35. can I use female rats instead of male ones? - (reply: 14)
36. mouse breeding- double KOs - (reply: 1)
37. organ perfusion - SPLEEN perfusion - (reply: 1)
38. Isolation of Bursa of fabricius from chicken - Contamination rate is very high during the isolation. (reply: 1)
39. Thioglycollate for PMN collections - (reply: 4)
40. Acidic water preparation for mice - (reply: 4)
41. Tissues used to genotyping animals - What tissues do you take for genotyping? (reply: 3)
42. mouse recoder software - (reply: 2)
43. lethally vs. sublethally irradiate mice - (reply: 3)
44. Animal Vs. Unarmed Human Being - List animals that would "win" in fights vs. humans-varied perc (reply: 19)
45. Spoonbill parrot - (reply: 2)
46. In vivo antitumor study - (reply: 1)
47. Buldge during IP - (reply: 2)
48. Bleeding during i.p. injection - (reply: 5)
49. help needed with intranasal administration in mice - methodology (reply: 2)
50. Mouse Bone Marrow Isolation - How to increase yield of BM-derived cells? (reply: 1)
51. Help needed for SPSS 2 way ANOVA - Don't understand where to put replicates (reply: 1)
52. Xenograft in sv129 mice - (reply: 6)
53. in vivo rfp - which rfp are good for in vivo imaging? (reply: 1)
54. microinjection of zebrafish - the agarose plate - where to buy the mould for the grooves (reply: 1)
55. mice.can they be murderers?? - this is sad (reply: 15)
56. heterozygous RAG mice - (reply: 1)
57. looking for a big descriptive article about barbastella barbastellus bat reprodu - (reply: 1)
58. cre-loxP: how to check if the gene is expressed - (reply: 3)
59. mice tracking software - (reply: 2)
60. Mouse IVF - (reply: 1)

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