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Xenograft in sv129 mice - (Jan/25/2011 )


Can anyone suggest me what tumor cell line can I use for tumor xenograft model in SV129 background?




a line specific to the type of cancer you're studying?


a line specific to sv129

I'd like to grow a tumor in sv129 background mice


A xenograft would be from human to mouse (xeno=foreign), in which case you'll need immunocompromised mouse... For an allograft I would suggest B16 melanoma cells, they are quite efficient in primary and metastatic cancer establishment (but of Bl6 background). Depends on what you're looking for, I guess.


Rsm on Fri Feb 11 14:07:28 2011 said:

A xenograft would be from human to mouse (xeno=foreign), in which case you'll need immunocompromised mouse... For an allograft I would suggest B16 melanoma cells, they are quite efficient in primary and metastatic cancer establishment (but of Bl6 background). Depends on what you're looking for, I guess.

If I'm right. B16 is of mouse origin and not human, right? The same goes for Lewis Lung arcinoma. My problem is that these are black6-derived.

In this case xeno means that the tumor is not of the host animal's origin. But thanks for your input.


Try to get some pure Sv129 ES cells. If you inject them, you'll have teratoma formation.


Rsm on Mon Feb 14 18:18:45 2011 said:

Try to get some pure Sv129 ES cells. If you inject them, you'll have teratoma formation.

thank you

I will try that
