Are you wearing a lab coat? - (Jan/07/2011 )
Maddie on Tue Feb 8 06:31:43 2011 said:
Sorry lab rat

But you gotta admit...pito...wandering in the lab in his boxer shorts...that inflames imagination, doesn't it?
OK, OK I stop...just saying..

That day I walked through the lab, I could have sworn I heard someone whistle at me... but when I turned I didnt see anyone...
Oh well, one of the girls said there was nothing the be ashamed of, it made my day

Anyway, I did get my revenge a few months later, I got the entire lab back (-1 who helped me) since they didnt want to tell who did it

And to be honest I think that the one who took my clothes was the one that helped me, but didnt care really, I had fun that day.
pito on Tue Feb 8 10:42:16 2011 said:
Oh well, one of the girls said there was nothing the be ashamed of, it made my day

See what I mean lab rat?

OK Pito, you made us curious, you win, we bow.
Now you can tell us how you got your revenge. Who knows? This may give the rest of us useful ideas

Maddie on Tue Feb 8 12:57:49 2011 said:
pito on Tue Feb 8 10:42:16 2011 said:
Oh well, one of the girls said there was nothing the be ashamed of, it made my day

See what I mean lab rat?

OK Pito, you made us curious, you win, we bow.
Now you can tell us how you got your revenge. Who knows? This may give the rest of us useful ideas

Well I do not think its something you can use.. or maybe even understand.. because I got my revenge by doing nothing at all...
Let me explain for a moment.
People knew I was someone who liked a joke once in a while.. and the same goes for the one that helped me.
The one that helped was even worse then me and he did more practical jokes (he was a real joker..).
Anyway, 1 april (you do know the april fools jokes?) was coming (2monhts +-) and everyone knew that either me or the other one would do something... that year I decided to make it my payback... for about 2 months long me and my friend scared the hell out of the rest of the lab.. insinuating that something really bad would happen on that day.. (but we didnt do anything, just insinauting, making them think/believe all kinds of stuff).
We did this by talking to eachother in the lab loudly and saying stuff like: Hey, I know a good one for 1 april.. and one of us would then reply, ah yes, really, tell me.. then we would leave the lab for a few minutes, come back in smiling (looking at 1person in particular or blinking at them like

Or when we passed someone in the hall way, we would look at him or her and smile and whisper at each other, haha, he/she will be fooled that day.. (we made sure they heard us)..
So for about 2 months long all we did was bring up the tension.. and one 1 april came.. some of them didnt even dare to enter the lab.. they didnt dare to put their food in the fridge, during lunch ware looking behind their backs, checking their lunch... All day long they checked and doublechecked everything.. or one girl even panicked when she sat down and felt something.. it was just her lab coat that had folded double underneath her.. she thought we placed something on her chair..
Or others didnt dare to go and get something if me or the other one asked for it.. some of them even didnt dear to open doors or go downstairs to let some deliveryboy in , being afraid he was in it with me and the other one.. Some of them didnt even dare to order lunch since it was me who passed the order to the cafetaria (some ordered lunch normally and that day all of a sudden they had their own lunch with them.. it never left their eyesight..)
At the end of the day.. nothing had happened.. and at the end of the day when all of us where at the cafeteria (mess) before leaving .. they looked at us, in fear and one of them just screamed out: just do it , goddamnit... and we looked at them, and I replied: Do what? And we left.. without saying anything...
Oh boy, we had fun that day by doing nothing at all...
The next day all they could say when we entered was stuff like: you damnit grmbl

We played them big time

PS. some one them even begged us during that 2 monhts to tell them what we would do or asked us to do at that moment.. they couldnt handle the tension anymore.. haha
April's fool is coming...I'd be worried if I were you pito
really ....
a variant of the sword of Damocles...nothing can be worse than you rose up a notch in my estimation, pito...two notches actually- that brilliant self-inflicted psychological torture and being bioforum's top Vittorio's Secret model...
casandra on Tue Feb 8 16:53:52 2011 said:

a variant of the sword of Damocles...nothing can be worse than you have raised up a notch on my estimation, pito...two notches actually- that brilliant self-inflicted psychological torture and being bioforum's top Vittorio's Secret model...

Yeah, maybe it was a bit too cruel?
I dont know.. I never had so much fun like those 2 months..
Oh well, my mother used to say that I am capable of selling a bag with a dead cat in as a sack of gold to anyone and that I can play minds like no one else:p
(dont know if thats a good thing or not, sounds kinda psychopathic?)
And you know who suffered the most a few days before 1april? The boss of the lab... He knew that I wanted to know who stole my clothes, but he refused to tell me.. so I played him too..
Nobody dared to "fool" with him... he was a real "big boss" , strict, harsh (but fair). But a lot feared him, dont know why really, but he had this kind of "air" (myth around him) and he was a well respected person wich for some was allready enough to worship him like a god...
They never understood how I dared to call him by his first name and not "professor" (but thats another story).
Anyway, the days before 1april, he locked his desk, each time he left it, he locked it.. He never did this.. but he knew I wanted payback and about 25 days before 1april he heard a rumour I was planning something and since then he always closed his office, even when going to the toilet or just grabbing something in the kitchen.. he always locked it and when he saw me in the hall.. he checked his back every 5 seconds or so:p
And at the end or march (dont remember the exact date, I think it was the 28th, anyway, it was the day after the day I made him even more aware I would get even with him), he entered the lab, went to his desk and everyone could hear him yell: "goddamnit that asshole (being me) did something with my lock"... the entire lab froze and since I wasnt there at the moment, they all feared he would come after them for an explenation.. But a few minutes later they found me and told me to hurry to his desk and be very affright because he was yelling my name .. He stood there still "mad" .. and I asked what was wrong and he looked at me and said: you damn well know whats wrong, you fool.. grmbl...
It turned out he used the wrong key.. and he was so fixed on the idea I did something wrong that he didnt even realise this..
(it had happened before because the keys are very similar, but normally he would just notice it, but that up tension... lol)
Our boss was the laughing stock of the lab for a few days... and then there was 1 april....
(I think my boss kinda liked the idea that I wasnt going to get him since I told him he suffered allready enough with the lock incident and that I would only fool the others, I do remember him being very very friendly at 1 april and joking around , making jokes at the lab etc.. must have been a shock to the others that didnt know him like that).
Oh I love that
That is awesome.
The best practical jokes require much forethought, careful execution, and must be found amusing by the victims too (i.e., nobody gets hurt).
Well played, Pito.
and for some reason, everytime I think of Pito wandering through the lab in boxers, my mind immediately pictures the Sasquatch in tighty-whities...
lab rat on Wed Feb 9 00:33:11 2011 said:
The best practical jokes require much forethought, careful execution, and must be found amusing by the victims too (i.e., nobody gets hurt).
Well played, Pito.
and for some reason, everytime I think of Pito wandering through the lab in boxers, my mind immediately pictures the Sasquatch in tighty-whities...

Indeed its very important to make sure no one gets hurt (mentally or physically). So its very important to know the people you are fooling, you need to be really sure they can handle it. Thats why I for example wont fool around with people that have problems or wouldnt like it.
Just like they played me.. they knew I wouldnt get mad (or if I did, it was just to fool them back

PS. not sure if it would help, but I dont have that much body hair (like the sasquatch) and I had a black boxershort I think or well could have been any color I think, but not white.. havent got any white boxers, kinda strange now I think about it.. no white ones...
Yes, it does.
Sorry, but I still see Sasquatch!