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CpG Related Discussions
  1. Visualizing CpG island in IF - Are there antibodies available? (reply: 1)
  2. CpG island prediction - (reply: 3)
  3. WGA problems CpG island amplification - (reply: 6)
  4. software for CpG island prediction for a list of genes - (reply: 3)
  5. Does a gene have an associated CpG island? - (reply: 9)
  6. CpG island and promoter - (reply: 3)
  7. Why are CpG sites more prone to mutation? - (reply: 4)
  8. Preferential methylation of specific CpG sites? - (reply: 9)
  9. TATA BOX AND CPG ISLANDS - (reply: 1)
  10. Scoring CpG methylation by peak height - (reply: 4)
  11. Plasmid CpG methylation after transfection - (reply: 2)
  12. ChIP and CpG island microarrays - (reply: 1)
  13. Site Directed Mutagenesis within CpG rich promoter - (reply: 4)
  14. Which CpG island to pick? - (reply: 1)
  15. BSP Primer placement over KNOWN unmethylated CpG's - Can this be done? (reply: 3)
  16. Is it possible to use ChIP-chip for identifying CpG island methylation? - (reply: 10)
  17. Direct bisulfite sequencing of PCR-products: degree of CpG methylation - (reply: 4)
  18. CpG calculation? - (reply: 3)
  19. cpg as an adjuvant - cpg procurment (reply: 3)
  20. CpG island definition - (reply: 1)
  21. CpG islands and start sites - (reply: 1)
  22. What the hell is CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP)? - (reply: 6)
  23. No CpG island=methylation is not important for regulation? - (reply: 7)
  24. method of using the CpG methylase enzyme - (reply: 7)
  25. primer design for MSP - How many CpG in the primer? (reply: 2)
  26. Do you believe CpG methylation pattern? - (reply: 7)
  27. CpG methylation - (reply: 7)
  28. CpG methylation - Methylation on GpC also possible? (reply: 2)
  29. Non CpG cytosine methylation - Global methylation analysis of somatic tissue (reply: 1)
  30. CpG island - Definition (reply: 6)
  31. how can I represent CpG site as bar? - (reply: 2)
  32. Genes with no CpG islands... - (reply: 6)
  33. Can these CpG islands be representative? - (reply: 1)
  34. General CpG island questions - (reply: 15)
  35. How to find promoter regulation region CpG islands - (reply: 2)
  36. methylation in CpG island - (reply: 5)
  37. CpG site or CpG island, which is important - (reply: 23)
  38. Analysis of CpG islands and promoters for methylation study - (reply: 10)
  39. The perfect number of CpGs in MSP primer - (reply: 8)
  40. CpG islands in complement - (reply: 1)
  41. Why can the MSP represent the methylation of CpG island? - (reply: 3)
  42. Predict CpG island - (reply: 3)
  43. Designing methylation primers on long CpG island - (reply: 14)
  44. Define a CpG island - (reply: 2)
  45. How to design primers for CpG, CpNpG, CpHpH methylation - Bisulfite Sequencing PCR (reply: 2)
  46. Bisulfite sequencing problems - when CpG sites are too much... (reply: 4)
  47. Creating CpG dinucleotide map across a promoter - DNA methylation and Bioinformatic anaylsis (reply: 8)
  48. mC not in CpG? Primer selection - (reply: 1)
  49. CpG island identification - (reply: 1)
  50. PCR more difficult in methylated CpG region? - (reply: 7)
  51. Assessing methylation levels - not CpG specific but across CpG island (reply: 3)
  52. CpG island sequence examples - database (reply: 1)
  53. DNA hypo-methylation analysis - Check if a CpG island is hypomethylated (reply: 1)
  54. PCR Cloning - primer design and CpG methylation (reply: 4)
  55. How short can be the CpG island? - methylation (reply: 3)
  56. CpG Island length variation - How variable? (reply: 3)
  57. Perl program for CpG island prediction - where can I find source code (reply: 2)