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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Genetics-and-Genomics
31. gamma-H2AX or 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine? - (reply: 2)
32. Help!! Double band in genomic dna - (reply: 1)
33. Fanconi anaemia, how was the FANCA gene identified? - (reply: 1)
34. Verified Plasmids(via digestion) > Transfection and Visible GFP > GFP de - (reply: 2)
35. 18 s thicker than 28 s - (reply: 2)
36. SNP discovery - (reply: 3)
37. Dotted bands on my DNA agarose electrophoresis gel. - (reply: 2)
38. Frameshift mutation in DNA sequencing? - (reply: 1)
39. Sticky to Blunt end (Hypothetical) - (reply: 2)
40. Phenol:Chloroform:IAA Storage - (reply: 2)
41. DNA extraction kits - (reply: 3)
42. confirmation of real gene status - (reply: 5)
43. difference between an EST and a transcript sequence - (reply: 1)
44. Allele exchange tips please (S. Oneidensis MR-1) - (reply: 3)
45. DNA sequencing - (reply: 2)
46. what is meant by "one mutant line but from 3 different plats from a heterozy - (reply: 1)
47. growth hormone receptor introns - (reply: 2)
48. Does a single inbred mouse strain (e.g. B6) have SNPs - (reply: 1)
49. Ensembl genomes - are these sequences "wild type" - (reply: 2)
50. Phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol extraction - I think I took the wrong phase - (reply: 1)
51. Genomic DNA and plasmid DNA isolation - (reply: 3)
52. Design construct for promoter activity assay - (reply: 6)
53. GHR gene location of water buffalo? - (reply: 2)
54. Gene expression assay with small cell number - (reply: 3)
55. SP1 response element - (reply: 3)
56. Whole Genomic DNA and when to cut - (reply: 2)
57. DNA extraction from whole blood using phenol chloroform - (reply: 2)
58. MicroRNA nomenclature - (reply: 4)
59. Changing Genomic Regions in Host Cell - (reply: 1)
60. Replication of the Plasmid DNA - (reply: 6)

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