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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : ELISA-and-Immunoassay
181. Different values of the same sample in ELISA - (reply: 1)
182. IgM quantification - Monoclonal Antibodies (reply: 1)
183. biotin-coated plates in elisa - (reply: 5)
184. sample gives signal without capture antibody - No capture antibody but samples give high signal compared to blank (reply: 7)
185. storage of standards...what temp? - (reply: 3)
186. Sandwich ELISA - Sample values increases on dilution of coating antibody (reply: 1)
187. Troubleshooting development of sandwich ELISA - Where am I going wrong? (reply: 5)
188. monoclonl antibody application specifity - (reply: 1)
189. labled antibody choice in elisa - (reply: 1)
190. ELISA data analysis - immune response (reply: 3)
191. ELISA plate washer - (reply: 4)
192. Heat inactivation of fbs necessary for ELISA? - (reply: 3)
193. ELISA cut-off a controversial issue - (reply: 4)
194. Wash buffer pH - (reply: 2)
195. ELISA methodology - (reply: 3)
196. Troubleshooting Help - Sandwich ELISA - Developing from scratch. Curious results. Help diagnose problem! (reply: 11)
197. Primary antibody quantitation - (reply: 2)
198. Protein present in Western, not ELISA - (reply: 10)
199. ELISA results - after adding substrate all wells are dark yellow (reply: 5)
200. How to denaturate protein for ELISA - (reply: 1)
201. Automated elisa work - (reply: 2)
202. How does one develop a 5-point Calibrator for Cardiolipin??? - (reply: 3)
203. Problem with ELISA false positives and noise - (reply: 15)
204. coating meat tissue to ELISA plates - (reply: 3)
205. plasma and serum - (reply: 2)
206. ELISA - calculate diluted concentration - (reply: 6)
207. serum storage temperature - (reply: 1)
208. Acid stop solution for HRP/TMB reaction - How is work? (reply: 1)
209. weird elisa result - (reply: 1)
210. What antibodies to use for ELISA?? - (reply: 2)

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