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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : ELISA-and-Immunoassay
31. ELISA 406 vs 493 to solve - (reply: 1)
32. Poor blocking in ELISA - any suggestions? - (reply: 7)
33. Calculations for ELISA of tissue lysate - (reply: 2)
34. Paraoxonase (PON1) ELISA kit - (reply: 3)
35. Mosquito ELISA difficulties - (reply: 2)
36. How to dilute in Quantikine ELISA (R&D systems) - (reply: 1)
37. ELISA edge effect - (reply: 6)
38. ELISA coating calculation - (reply: 1)
39. Coating too much antigen in ELISA - (reply: 1)
40. high slope (b-value) of standard curve - (reply: 11)
41. Elusive protein refuses to be found in human serum with ELISA - (reply: 3)
42. Efficacy of expired kit since 2011 and troubleshooting - (reply: 5)
43. dilution factor, ELISA - (reply: 2)
44. Accidentally left some serum out overnight at room temp.... - (reply: 3)
45. Establish of an indirect ELISA in one month possible - (reply: 2)
46. Is there a maximum blocking time? - (reply: 2)
47. Re use the pre coated microtiter plate 96 wells - (reply: 2)
48. Sample storage for ELISA (cell culture supernatant) - (reply: 2)
49. Help needed! ELISA reproducibility issues? - (reply: 2)
50. ELISA, BDNF, Biotinylated Conjugate - (reply: 10)
51. Biotinylated BDNF - (reply: 2)
52. What is the difference between measurment range and indication range in ELISA re - (reply: 1)
53. ELISA normalization for relative quantification - (reply: 6)
54. Human IgG Elisa variability problems - (reply: 2)
55. Green-dye in HRP-Conjugate solution - (reply: 7)
56. Does curve height/range of absorbance values matter? - (reply: 2)
57. ELISA SETUP,negative control OD is higher than tests - (reply: 7)
58. serum cytokine detection - (reply: 2)
59. Protein precipitation from RIPA buffer to perform ELISA - (reply: 4)
60. Double coating in Sandwich ELISA - Problems - (reply: 2)

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