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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : ELISA-and-Immunoassay
61. ELISA quantification - (reply: 2)
62. Can I test protein denaturation after sonication - (reply: 2)
63. Plasma samples with lower OD than blank - (reply: 5)
64. ELISA - use of technical or biological replicates? - (reply: 3)
65. ELISA Incubator - (reply: 3)
66. Inflammatory cytokine ELISA-kit on homeogenates from small biopsies? - (reply: 3)
67. Culture Supernatant Gives O.D even in the uncoated wells - (reply: 4)
68. e-cadherin and calcium in an elisa - (reply: 1)
69. HIV p24 ELISA - problem with high background - (reply: 4)
70. Basic Novateinbio ELISA protocol - (reply: 1)
71. ELISA on DMSO treated or Formalin Fixed samples - Experiences? - (reply: 3)
72. protein concentration/well calculation - (reply: 1)
73. Seeking advice on coated plates storage - (reply: 5)
74. Recommended maximum OD values in ELISA optimization. What's the reason? - (reply: 3)
75. Eliza and Antibody - (reply: 2)
76. statistical test for ELISA results - (reply: 6)
77. using elisa plate several times (different wells)? - (reply: 1)
78. Elisa using HEK culture medium - (reply: 14)
79. ELISA modification - (reply: 2)
80. blocking buffer containing BSA and cross reactivity - (reply: 2)
81. Croos reactivity - (reply: 1)
82. non recombinant Human cytokines - (reply: 2)
83. Reducing the concentration required for the linear range of the assay - (reply: 2)
84. Anti-human IgG phosphatase give negative results - (reply: 13)
85. Need advice for estrone ELISA/EIA kit - (reply: 2)
86. ELISA after a booster shot - (reply: 1)
87. question for graph creation - (reply: 2)
88. Help: ELISA to measure murine serum Ig level - (reply: 7)
89. Stability issue - (reply: 8)
90. IL-4 ELISA detection problems - (reply: 3)

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