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How does one develop a 5-point Calibrator for Cardiolipin??? - (Oct/08/2009 )

Cardiolipin's Calibrators are not very stable in a 32 degree or oven, so it has been hard to develop a 5 point calibrator vs. a single point (which is already in place). The only thing I can come up with is developing a monoclonal Ab. Can anyone give some insight on how to tackle this problem since there are 5-point Cardiolipin test kits out there on the market???


Are you detecting cardiolipin or autoantibodies to cardiolipin? Are you running the test at 37C?


sgt4boston on Oct 13 2009, 05:29 AM said:

Are you detecting cardiolipin or autoantibodies to cardiolipin? Are you running the test at 37C?

Autoantibodies to Cardiolipin at 37C....any ideas?! :(


Is this for a commercial test or for a research test? If you are just going to run a small panel of specimens then contact one of the manufacturers. I am sure they will sell their calibrators separately. Do you have the other reagents working well and only the calibrators are the problem?

Their calibrators are probably pooled patient sera that has been pre-analyzed, assigned values and lyophilized OR ammonium sulfate cut and dialyzed in buffer
