WhAt If ???!!! - ShArE ... (Jan/31/2010 )
Haaaa my boss didn't realize it was a fake paper...EVEN MORE FUNNY
reading that you have who prepare you the reagents Maddie ...
what if i was working at your institute ???
Maddie on Jul 9 2010, 07:45 AM said:

U made ur boss read THAT paper, Maddie?
haha, no I created an article with the program mentionned by toejam with my boss as the only author. She really believed there was someone else with the exact same name (including middle name). My little fun of the day.
Nightingale, be careful what you wish for
i wonder if the self generated papers also create an automatic citation to the program that makes them...
maddie, you are just making me curious now...
what if we hear "ANYTHING" regarding our proposed project .... ???!!!!
even if the answer will be "rejected" ....
we need to know it !!!
what if ppl in the next lab, were "communicating" ...
so, when u ask one of them to use the device on the next day,
you won't get surprised that the other is using it !!!!
---- u didn't ask me, i am working here too ... !!!!
really what if !!!
what if we have a bioforum meeting in the netherlands?
what if that's actually a pretty good idea?