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WhAt If ???!!! - ShArE ... (Jan/31/2010 )

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what if could travel 4 years back in time


Nabi on Apr 16 2010, 08:36 PM said:

what if could travel 4 years back in time

What do you mean, the start of your PhD? If so, then please book me a seat too!!!


yeah, start of my PhD. I would do PhD in completely different field. :lol:


what if i can take a glance at the future to see where i will end ???

inspired by Nabi's though the opposite :lol:


what if we were born with tags that would tell us which field we would excel in........maybe , I would have known then that PhD is not my field......... :D


:D U don't have one? we all have but we don't tell that to anyone :P


what do you mean by "we all" Nabi-san..........u and ur mice???? :(




u really do ???? :) :D
why me not ??? :) :(


Vini on Apr 22 2010, 09:55 AM said:

what if we were born with tags that would tell us which field we would excel in........maybe , I would have known then that PhD is not my field......... :rolleyes:

just look at the "my day today" thread :lol:

what if astrology is indeed the ultimate science as professor Frink has stated?

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