WhAt If ???!!! - ShArE ... (Jan/31/2010 )
i came to this today,,,
what if they manufactured the reagent bottles with
a wide openning in which the muti-tip pipett will fit ??? !!!
share ur WhAt iFs ....
What if companies weren't so totally retentive about the generic buffer components of their kits?
what if we had a video inside the hood, which we can watch following each run ...
by this we can relax about the reason for not seeing any band in a well
did i add taq polymerase to the tubes or not ???
nightingale on Feb 1 2010, 02:19 AM said:

what if we had a video inside the hood, which we can watch following each run ...
by this we can relax about the reason for not seeing any band in a well
did i add taq polymerase to the tubes or not ???

Ahem... it's been around for about 25 years!
thanx bob1 for the info.,
but this isn't what i meant ...
i meant, what if we had a video recorder inside the hood/ pre PCR,
which will enable us watch ourselves preparing the tubes for the run ...
so, when a crazy thought comes to you, as
" had i added taq polymerase to the last tube or not ??!!! "
we can simply watch the video and know
that was my point ...
what u mentioned is about seeing the real-time PCR run, while running ...
i already know that this is available since ..... many years ago
thanx for passing, and hope i've clarified my point
What if I can visible my specific protein band using ponceau S stain rather than ECL development...
just as colour indicates the presence of glucose in an assay,,
so.. before reading it on the spec. u can somehow know if ur sample contains glucose or not...
what if there was s.th similar to this in our conventional PCR tubes ????
so that,
when u bring out ur samples from the cycler...
u can somehow tell which is positive and which is not,,,
before detection on the gel ????
WhAt If we had a retriever for eppendorfs(like magnetic rods for stirr bars) which are lost below refrigerators and big instruments
.we could have just attracted the eppendrof and could find our important clones or vials etc.
what if there was a machine to do all cloning. Just enter the sequence of the final clone and press start.
what if a machine could read our minds and do the impossible experiments with ease. Well, it might be possible in the future.
What if we had an android robot who would do all the lab work, including extractions, make and run a gel, etc..
What if we had scientific writers who would write our publications for us (for free of course)?