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abbreviations i can't understand - in this forum (Apr/12/2007 )

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nice to know i'm so usefull




a.k.a = also known as smile.gif


what about an underlined W ! unsure.gif


Where did U see and what context?

I saw 'W' in Ramen menu in Japan and that was supposed to mean 'double' serving. I asked 'how' and was told because they sound the same.

-Bungalow Boy-

may be W mean with

-Minnie Mouse-

My boss mailed a dealer asking him to deliver the media ASAP. So he called back telling "madam we do not deal with any company named ASAP !" mellow.gif
I myself was puzzled when I was very new to research when I heard people giving so much importance to FAX facility! later to realize that they meant FACS(Flow cytometer) laugh.gif


QUOTE (Ohmyhead @ Apr 20 2007, 07:17 AM)
A silly question: What's PI stands for? (Supervisor starts with a 'S' and has nothing to do with P&I?)

PI= isoelectric point of a protein

PI (in the context of supervisor) is principal investigator


QUOTE (Minnie Mouse @ Oct 28 2007, 02:14 PM)
may be W mean with

yes, i think so
i saw this on our fridge (underlined W + deodorizer) blush.gif


With is usually abbreviated as W/ instead of W I think.

-Bungalow Boy-

QUOTE (Bungalow Boy @ Oct 29 2007, 06:36 AM)
With is usually abbreviated as W/ instead of W I think.

never saw this before ! unsure.gif


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