abbreviations i can't understand - in this forum (Apr/12/2007 )
Does "No." stand for "number of" something?
I would say yes
it's not an abbreviation, but i don't understand " carbon footprint"!!
what do you mean by this "phrase" ??
also BTW??
what do you mean by this "phrase" ??
also BTW??
btw = by the way?
a carbon footprint is the measure of co2 produced by everything you do.
it starts off with breathing then moves to things you burn (eg petrol in cars) to things other people burn to produce the things you consume etc etc thus you should get the total increase in co2 your existance on this planet produces.
rather than holding your breath the secret is to cancel out the co2 produced by creating things which will consume it (like trees). thus you get large multinationals planting a few saplings and using their reduced footprint as an advertising gimic.
so to summarise - its another dodgy use of science which distracts people from the real problems the earth is facing and makes a few pop stars feell like saints.
of course i could be wrong - you may well be able to save the world by using less plastic bags and singing more happy charity songs.
hmm - im ranting again - and i was doing ok there for a while - oh well better luck next time
hi Dominic,
i found this word in an article which has no relation to science at all
its the same type of people who come up with the names of stuff used in moisturisers to make you ten years younger. only a non scientist would call it science (penta-peptides anyone?)
a "buzzword" with grand designs and no basis.
it starts off with breathing then moves to things you burn (eg petrol in cars) to things other people burn to produce the things you consume etc etc thus you should get the total increase in co2 your existance on this planet produces.
rather than holding your breath the secret is to cancel out the co2 produced by creating things which will consume it (like trees). thus you get large multinationals planting a few saplings and using their reduced footprint as an advertising gimic.
so to summarise - its another dodgy use of science which distracts people from the real problems the earth is facing and makes a few pop stars feell like saints.
of course i could be wrong - you may well be able to save the world by using less plastic bags and singing more happy charity songs.
Can we add some genes and delete some genes of the trees, so that the trees consume more carbon dioxide and produce more oxygen?
Then problem solved!!
it might work but you wouldnt be too popular - GM crops could have saved millions of lives by now and put a few greedy corporations out of business (buy from us at our desired price or dont buy at all...etc) but because its not in fashion it'll probably never happen (i wonder how many lives were lost cos someone decided to use the word frankinstein - now thats scary!)
i get the feeling this thread has changed somewhat (not that i'm complaining)
FCM Analysis - Flow Cytometry
PI - Protease Inhibitor
Ab - Antibody
Ag - Antigen
(((( Try sticking to the topic of the thread. Any idea other than that, please start new topic ))))