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Nucleus Related Discussions
  1. Cytoplasmic/nuclear fractionation with NP-40 then RIPA buffer combination? - (reply: 2)
  2. Can propidium iodide be used on WBC nuclei with cell membrane removed - (reply: 1)
  3. Cell lysis method to get "intact" nuclear protein complex for CO-IP? - (reply: 1)
  4. Does ultrasonic probe sonication break up mitochondria or nuclear membrane? - (reply: 2)
  5. Pull-Down Assay, EMSA Assay: recombinant protein vs nuclear extracts - (reply: 5)
  6. Methanol oor PFA to fix cells for nuclear protien analysis by immunofluorescence - (reply: 4)
  7. CO- IP for nuclear protein - (reply: 4)
  8. why EEA1(early endosome antiboy) stained to nuclei? - (reply: 1)
  9. Non-denaturing buffer to extract nuclear protein - (reply: 1)
  10. protein extraction from cell nucleus - (reply: 2)
  11. Breaking nuclear membrane with needle is sufficient (no sonicator nor dounce)? - (reply: 2)
  12. Designing primers for a nuclear region to amplify in a species that has no nucle - (reply: 1)
  13. Normalization of qRT-PCR following nuclear/cytoplasmic fractionation - (reply: 4)
  14. DNA isolation from nuclei - (reply: 5)
  15. Nuclear extracts from frozen adipose tissue - (reply: 1)
  16. Weird small spheres stained by DAPI (not nuclei!) in tissue - (reply: 1)
  17. Why do only some nuclear lysis buffers create DNA 'goop' - (reply: 1)
  18. Need help on STAT1-GFP nuclear translocation - (reply: 15)
  19. inespecific bands in nuclear fraction? - (reply: 1)
  20. How to release fixed nuclei from slide - (reply: 2)
  21. Mitochondria pelleted together with nuclei from 293 Cells using Sucrose gradient - (reply: 3)
  22. Aberrant (apparently) nuclear immunostaining for VEGF in Glial cells - (reply: 2)
  23. which protein can I use as a loading control for nuclear protein fraction? - (reply: 2)
  24. Making Nuclei From Mouse Cells - (reply: 1)
  25. Nucleus fills the whole cell - (reply: 3)
  26. Nuclei staining background in collagen matrix - (reply: 1)
  27. Nuclear extract problems - (reply: 3)
  28. nuclear extraction question - (reply: 6)
  29. common nuclear marker for T cells - (reply: 1)
  30. How much cytoplasmic and nuclear extracts load in a WB? - (reply: 2)
  31. Sf21 nucleus : so hard to break ?? - (reply: 1)
  32. cytoplasmic and nuclear extraction - problem with contamination! - (reply: 2)
  33. Total cell lysate from T cells - hard to lyze all the nuclei with RIPA (reply: 2)
  34. Lamin A/C vs Lamin B1 as a nuclear marker?? - (reply: 2)
  35. Nuclear or Cytoplasmic RNA Purification - (reply: 1)
  36. Cell cycle evaluation in cells with more than one nuclei - (reply: 8)
  37. Nuclear lysis followed by histone extraction - (reply: 3)
  38. NP-40 Nuclear Lysis Problem - (reply: 2)
  39. Problem with NE-PER cytoplasmatic and nuclear separation kit - (reply: 1)
  40. Nuclear extract troubleshooting - (reply: 1)
  41. EMSA - probe disappears with nuclear extract - probe works without nuclear extract... (reply: 1)
  42. nuclear extraction of blood cells - (reply: 2)
  43. Nuclear fraction versus cytoplasmic fraction - (reply: 6)
  44. cytoplasm and nuclear run off - cytoplasm and nuclear run off (reply: 3)
  45. nuclear extraction insoluble pellet problem - here it is again! (reply: 2)
  46. Nuclear Extraction headache - persistent pellet glob - (reply: 9)
  47. Nuclear extraction on non-primary culture cells - Western blot (reply: 2)
  48. Protein in the nucleus vs in the cytoplasm - (reply: 1)
  49. Multiple nuclei?? - cell morphology - FaDu (reply: 8)
  50. cytoplasmic and nuclear extraction for BCA - (reply: 6)
  51. Nucleic Acid interference in Western Blot / Optimal Nuclear Extract Protocol - Nuclear Extract Optimization (reply: 4)
  52. nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA - (reply: 2)
  53. fluorescent proteins expressed in nucleus - (reply: 6)
  54. Has anyone ever isolated nuclei prior to fixation and performed a ChIP? - (reply: 5)
  55. DNA isolation from plant nuclei by plasmid extraction kit - (reply: 1)
  56. nuclear extraction problem - nuclei gets too clumpy - (reply: 3)
  57. Is there alpha-tubulin in the nucleus? - (reply: 4)
  58. Cytoplasmic marker contamination for Nuclear extracts - Tubulin alfa or beta? (reply: 3)
  59. Help-IHC nuclear staining - (reply: 2)
  60. IHC nuclear staining - hematoxylin (reply: 2)
  61. abnormal nuclear morphology after treating shRNA - confocal, shRNA, nuclear morphology, cell division (reply: 2)
  62. why the nuclei on the slides disappeared after immunofluoresence process? - (reply: 7)
  63. Co-IP on nuclear fraction - (reply: 2)
  64. No bands in cytosolic extraction, nice bands in nuclear extraction--see pics - (reply: 1)
  65. Western Blotting of Nuclear Extracts - Does high salt inhibit western blotting? (reply: 3)
  67. IP from nuclear extract - (reply: 3)
  68. PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) - is it an adequate marker of proliferating cells? (reply: 2)
  69. Nuclear extraction - (reply: 2)
  70. cytoplasmic and nuclear extraction - (reply: 2)
  71. why is my histone h3 more in the cytosol than the nucleus? - (reply: 3)
  72. How does high salt extraction of nuclear proteins work - (reply: 9)
  73. Nuclear Protein Extraction - Nuclear Protein Extraction (reply: 1)
  74. VEGF in cell nucleus - (reply: 2)
  75. Can you store cell pellets for future nuclear extraction? - (reply: 5)
  76. Problems with nuclear extraction - (reply: 1)
  77. Nuclear Immunostaining - (reply: 5)
  78. nuclear loading control - (reply: 2)
  79. cytoplasmic/nuclear fraction - (reply: 1)
  80. nuclear extract -- HEPES pH?! - (reply: 1)
  81. Intracellular stain of nuclear receptor - (reply: 6)
  82. Isolated nuclei and trypan blue - Silly question .......... (reply: 2)
  83. Non-specific signal in nucleus - (reply: 1)
  84. Cell fractionation and isolation of nuclei - (reply: 1)
  85. Nuclear Extracts (Golgi contamination) - (reply: 3)
  86. Purifying nuclear fraction from skeletal muscle homogenate - (reply: 1)
  87. How to homogenize cell without disruption of nuclei? - (reply: 2)
  88. Detergent concentration for nuclear membrane dissolving - (reply: 2)
  89. Loading control for nuclear extracts - (reply: 6)