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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Stem-Cell
31. How to prevent EB becoming too large - (reply: 3)
32. CFSE doesn't work with HSC in 7 Day culture - CFSE doesn't show distinct peaks for each generation. Why? (reply: 1)
33. Osteogenic Induction of MSCs, keep peeling off - (reply: 1)
34. MSC in culture - stop growing? - Mesenchymal stem cells in culture randomly stop expanding (reply: 2)
35. Stem Cells Sphere - stem cells (reply: 2)
36. iPSC - (reply: 3)
37. Rat Dental Pulp Stem Cell Culture - (reply: 1)
38. What's the Common Time of Differentiation - (reply: 1)
39. Anyone thought about reprogram fibroblast to liver cells? - (reply: 2)
40. virus with human gene to mouse cell - Does it work? (reply: 2)
41. rat ES cells - (reply: 2)
42. iPS induction difficulty from MEF - how they suppose to look like???? (reply: 4)
43. colony, focus or embryoid body? - (reply: 3)
44. Culture Media for stem cells - (reply: 1)
45. Extensive MEF death upon thawing - (reply: 1)
46. Dying endometrial stromal cells - (reply: 1)
47. Problem with Passaging MEFs - (reply: 11)
48. mEFs to support hESC - Mouse Strains? (reply: 1)
49. Nucleofection of ES cells, medium instead of nucleofector solution? - (reply: 1)
50. Induce Osteoblast lineage from C2C12 myoblast cells - (reply: 1)
51. What do you need to start a lab? - (reply: 5)
52. CD 34 proliferation - (reply: 1)
53. transfecting human mesynchemal stem cells - (reply: 5)
54. Fetal bovine serum and bovine serum - (reply: 3)
55. Daily medium change - (reply: 3)
56. Please Help: human Sox2, Oct 4 promoter region cloning - (reply: 2)
57. Stem cells, primary culture - Literature - What are some good papers to read to get started in this area? (reply: 3)
58. Cryoprotectant - Glycerol, DMSO and stem cel differentiation (reply: 2)
59. mitomycin c going into solution - (reply: 1)
60. hematopoietic cell lines - (reply: 3)

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