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What is your IQ? - (Mar/04/2009 )

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perneseblue on Mar 9 2009, 05:43 PM said:

casandra on Mar 9 2009, 01:07 PM said:

And can intelligence be acquired or is it innate or just waiting to be developed?

Intelligence is a combination of both. A good set of genes gives you the potential for great intelligence. Good food, and a conducive environment allows that potential to be realised.

:D Would you say then that AI is a misnomer?


perneseblue on Mar 9 2009, 10:43 PM said:

casandra on Mar 9 2009, 01:07 PM said:

And can intelligence be acquired or is it innate or just waiting to be developed?

Intelligence is a combination of both. A good set of genes gives you the potential for great intelligence. Good food, and a conducive environment allows that potential to be realised.

But intelligence is anyway a very artificial and not measurable term. In our environment we seem perhaps intelligent but would fail to survive alone in the wild. A dude living there would think that we're really stupid, and if he then comes to our environment, he perhaps don't know how to cross a road without accident. And a bummer on the street would think: how stupid. And so on....

But I'd guess it's easier to reach some wisdom with intelligence, if not ambition, avarice and arrogance clouds the mind.
It's all too relative and situational to form a good view on this.


casandra on Mar 9 2009, 01:51 PM said:

:D Would you say then that AI is a misnomer?

Not at all. An AI is merely an just intelligence housed in a non biological brain. The degree of intelligence of that AI will be based on the architecture of its brain (much like our brains whose basic architecture is dependent on our genetics and cell biology). I also feel it would be impossible to programme knowledge and complex reasoning into an AI. The AI would have to learn by experience as children would.


Minnie Mouse on Mar 4 2009, 09:57 PM said:

What is your IQ?

My IQ is 143 :P ... but I don't think it is accurate.

Don't know. Is it just me, or does anyone else get angry when they do IQ tests like these? I HATE THEM!


Relax, a large part of a standarized test are controlled conditions of doing it. In front of a computer after a long day, or procrastrinating over it at work, or even in a large classroom with other people for some fragile individuals, is NOT a controlled environment. Too many distractions.
Besides, high IQ is like long legs for a volleyball player. It sure helps, but there are lots and lots of other factors.


Telomerase on Mar 11 2009, 01:39 PM said:

Besides, high IQ is like long legs for a volleyball player. It sure helps, but there are lots and lots of other factors.

EQ Emotion Quotient

CQ "Computer Quotient": ability to use computer :D

GQ "Grammar Quotient" ability to write perfect grammar . I think I am below average on GQ. :D

-Minnie Mouse-

Wow. I have to now decide what I am - inetlligent, wise, or brillinant. But, the first thing is I have to see how does that site work and where they show the score. It must have been low anyway - other than the patterns and calculations I must have gotten most wrong. :D


SQ - Stamina Quotient - ability to go ahead with minimum sleep and food. I am low on this one.

Say, would someone do a Sim Laboratory? When you are the lab head and have to manage PhDs and others, adjusting their stamina, morale, creativity etc. For example: buy a radio - +1 morale, -1 creativity :lol:


Telomerase on Mar 12 2009, 02:37 AM said:

SQ - Stamina Quotient - ability to go ahead with minimum sleep and food. I am low on this one.

Say, would someone do a Sim Laboratory? When you are the lab head and have to manage PhDs and others, adjusting their stamina, morale, creativity etc. For example: buy a radio - +1 morale, -1 creativity :lol:

Ooo.. this sounds interesting.
The objective of the game is to make big discoveries, publish papers and win grants. there is also a maximum time in the game. 50 years. And after you, the lab head retires, you get to look back and see all your contributions, (Number of nature papers, discoveries, and PhD students trained.). and have an overall score of "Impact on the science community."

Accidents that could happen
UV burns
Unbalanced centrifuge
Chemical spills
CO2 / N2 asphyxiation

To combat, you need to give better training, implement safety protocols, and buy safety equipment
but this cost money, and time


Very fun! Mine came out at 135, but on the official MENSA test I got 155. Hmm....

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