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Who is back? - (Jan/29/2009 )

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I am back too..


rhombus on May 12 2009, 02:29 AM said:

Minnie Mouse on Apr 7 2009, 03:03 AM said:

Uncle Rhombus is back :D

Here are his recent posts.

I miss his brain :P - 30 years of tissue culture experience. :(

Dear Minnie Mouse,

Uncle Rhombus is back at work after a couple of months off. I missed you all as well

Kindest regards


Welcome back, Uncle Rhombus :D

-Minnie Mouse-

I'm back too. Still the same ID.


I'm back as a new member.


me too =P


i might be back - dont feel right without my wizard pic



Hi guys,

I am back. but change my name sanjiun81 => sanjiun...
kinda lost the "momentum" after the "incident"...


Hi all ....i am back as well (T. reesei) but with a new name....


back again..
I check bioforum from time to time, but have less posts/replies :P


hey strawberry, were you able to grow parasites in vitro? Hi t.r

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