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Who is back? - (Jan/29/2009 )

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cellcounter on Feb 6 2009, 02:38 AM said:

Nabi on Feb 4 2009, 11:08 PM said:

casandra on Feb 5 2009, 01:56 PM said:

toejam on Feb 4 2009, 08:21 PM said:

hi guys,
nice to be back home :)
couldn't find my old avatar but this one will do for now :(
at least no one took my name before i came back!

Well, well, well...the hombre is back :( ...I have to second bioforum's welcome (tho he didn't welcome us back :P ) where have you been hiding tj? And we were planning to comb thru every pub in the UK to drag you back in here. Btw, you needn't worry about anybody stealing your name, who in their right mind would? :lol:...really nice to see you back, hombre...

Welcome back, TJ... how are your experiments going on? How many subjects so far? We could see U were so busy for such a long time.

Hello there, cellcounter is back too.

I don't kiss and tell, but I have sufficient vanity to keep count of my encounters (number of posts), and I was sad to loose all those posts. But it seems the posts are available in some other format, so at least that is good. I guess we can hope bioforum finds out a way to even get the posts back in forum format.

However, it is the nature of forums to continue to regenerate everyday, the information and knowledge we collectively come up with also keep on changing, and I guess despite all our posts in past, there will always be many new people asking for the same restriction digestion troubleshooting again and again. So, I am fine, so long as oldtimers come back and keep this forum lively as always!

There is one bug that no one has reported yet and Bioforum is also generously overlooking. . even chit-chats are getting counted :(


I'm here.
Can't find my avatar and made a typo in the nickname. (I'd correct it, but I can't figure out how).
But here I am, the plush source of evil.


I am back, haiyan


Iam back :)


Hey guys!!

Can't find my avatar... noooo!!!!
my mice suck... NOOOOO!!!!!
australian customs wouldn't let my parcel into the country, and they're ruining my experiments.... NOOOO!!!!!!

I'm off to belgium in a coupld of months.... YESS!!!!!!!

do try the sodium benzoate.



wow, i still have my old account (would have helped if i had remembered my correct name)



welcome back vetticus and vetticus3 . . the newer version is vetticus3 is it?


I'm back...I'm with mdfenko; I found a substitute avatar, but not as cool as the original


Nabi on Feb 25 2009, 03:18 PM said:

welcome back vetticus and vetticus3 . . the newer version is vetticus3 is it?

no, the one with the 3 is my old account... which i love very very much.
well, now i have a weird al avatar.... until i can photoshop my coco drinking army guy back into sfw land.



vetticus3 on Feb 25 2009, 06:25 PM said:

Nabi on Feb 25 2009, 03:18 PM said:

welcome back vetticus and vetticus3 . . the newer version is vetticus3 is it?

no, the one with the 3 is my old account... which i love very very much.
well, now i have a weird al avatar.... until i can photoshop my coco drinking army guy back into sfw land.


And what about mr one-eyed pirate guy..what hapened to him? Probably drank all the coco of mr coco- drinking army guy B) .....Welcome back V...see you here and at've got to relax sometime, somehow, somewhere....with some cool people like us....


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