top ten lies by grad students - (Jan/26/2009 )
37. Alcohol or drug abuse? No problem, no sweat. I've everything under control.
hobglobin on Mar 24 2009, 08:57 PM said:
37a. I don't need it, I just like it
37b. Who cares about one or two beer??????
Nabi on Feb 16 2009, 05:08 AM said:
No lie, always the right time

'I am equal to those I work with'
38. "Stop treating me like a beginner, I KNOW what I'm doing !"
This one I actually really heard...she never got any results
39. "Yesterday, I worked in the lab until midnight"
40. " I am late because I worked until 4:30am last night on my thesis"
41. "I know exactly what I'm doing right now."
42. "I am thinking on how to solve the problem, and I'm not wandering in the lab"
43. Look carefully, I can see a faint band!!!
44. See, I can replicate my +ve result in my -ve control.
45. Just x3 your results to make it triplicate.
46. One or two more n and this data is good enough to publish.
47. I wrote everything down in my lab book.