top ten lies by grad students - (Jan/26/2009 )
21. Thank God they didn't accept my abstract for the congress. I really didn't want to submit as I was planing to go sky diving on the same weekend. It was boss who kind of forced me to submit. I am so relieved.
22. I love this project and this work.
23. My supervisor is very nice.
24. The code is compiling
25. It should take me about a week to get that clone.
26. It is time that I take a vacation.
Nabi on Feb 13 2009, 10:32 AM said:
26. It is time that I take a vacation.
that's not a lie, it's a truism.
27. All the research that I have been proposing in my dissertation proposal will be possible to get done within 3 years.
Wolverena on Feb 13 2009, 05:16 PM said:
27. All the research that I have been proposing in my dissertation proposal will be possible to get done within 3 years.
hahaha, please don't thell me that is a lie!!!

toejam on Feb 13 2009, 12:36 PM said:
Wolverena on Feb 13 2009, 05:16 PM said:
27. All the research that I have been proposing in my dissertation proposal will be possible to get done within 3 years.
hahaha, please don't thell me that is a lie!!!

I wish....right now I am still hoping that I will be able to...."stage of denial"....
28. It's time for lunch.