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IPAD, IPAD2 - necessary to have it? (Mar/13/2011 )

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<*>access to bioforum everywhere without the need to carry laptop

--> Yes, but do you have Free wi-fi networks

<*>write down my notes without notebook

--> Shouldn't you have a University lab book???

<*>save my lab protocols and experimental information on the spot
-->PI: You are irritating me Adrian, where is your lab book?????

<*>Presentation in seminars
--> Good point. The cool presenter with the iPAD B)

<*>writing papers or reading papers
--> I'm not sure, if the iPAD comes with something that allows you to write, edit, cite and save... (unlikely)

<*>primer design
<*>Access to Genbank, uniprot
--> You are just saying it to increase the number of reasons :)

<*>Chat with pito, casey, ameya and others :D
--> Now you come to the point, lets have a vote

Ameya : Aye


So if I understand it right: an iPAD is just a small laptop with wich you can also call on a computer network (I just asked someone and he told me you cant use it as a regular phone, it has to be on a computernetwerk).

So really, whats the point of buying this? Buy some cheap small laptop ? Those minilaptops, arent they cheaper?

Besides: do you really need to acces this forum at any given time or write down stuff all the time?

How well, if you think it will make you happy.. go ahead, save some bucks and spend them on this iPAD thingie.. But I would rather spend my money on something nice.

I think an iPAD is again an example of "something you need to have as a computer geek" , esp. a mac geek.

I really still dont understand the concept of having a big cellphone that you can use to do all tons of shit with, but you cant figure out how to phone or text with it..
(and yes, some people benefit from it and need it, but really 90% of the people I see running with it.. they better spend some money on schoolbooks or whatever)

About the presentation in seminars? Dont they have laptops for that? I do wonder if such an iPAD can even handle such a presentation? Or that you would be able to plug it into the projector? I mean: its a mac product.. not all companies have all the needed software I suppose?

+ its small.. you really want to write a paper on such small screen? It will only hurt your eyes.. And writing: I checked an image of it.. it seems weird to use as a "typemachine"... brrr

Oh well, evyerone has his own opinion. But mine is simple: waste of money.
(but maybe I am not the right person to tell you this.. I used to have a laptop that was 8 years old and my deskcomputer is maybe 10 years old and I can only do 2 things with my cell phone: call and text message.. and its black and white... and I still dont remember where I placed it)


<*>write down my notes without notebook
--> Shouldn't you have a University lab book???

No, we was not provided but I do keep one.

<*>save my lab protocols and experimental information on the spot
-->PI: You are irritating me Adrian, where is your lab book?????

Sorry for the irritation, I do have a lab book but that is not for me to write down my experimental details: my lab book is like a diary and personal scheduler which states what I do that day, or future planning. My yahoo mail is my "lab book", I will type out what I did and send to my own email account.

<*>Presentation in seminars
--> Good point. The cool presenter with the iPAD B)


<*>writing papers or reading papers
--> I'm not sure, if the iPAD comes with something that allows you to write, edit, cite and save... (unlikely)

You are right, there is no EndNote for iPAD....

<*>primer design
<*>Access to Genbank, uniprot
--> You are just saying it to increase the number of reasons :)

I used my friend's net book 2 weeks ago and helped him design some primers. He just told me that his PCR is working... I wonder if iPAD can do the same... I never use it so I don't really know.... :lol:

<*>Chat with pito, casey, ameya and others :D
--> Now you come to the point, lets have a vote

Ameya : Aye

Hahahaha.... I'm not buying it anyway, I don't have the money to buy either. :P
Just interested to know how you guys think...

-adrian kohsf-

pito on Tue Mar 15 08:52:21 2011 said:

So if I understand it right: an iPAD is just a small laptop with wich you can also call on a computer network (I just asked someone and he told me you cant use it as a regular phone, it has to be on a computernetwerk).

So really, whats the point of buying this? Buy some cheap small laptop ? Those minilaptops, arent they cheaper?

Over here, it is more or less the same price, maybe ~RM400-500 @ USD100 differences.

Besides: do you really need to acces this forum at any given time or write down stuff all the time?

Hmn... makes sense... ^_^

How well, if you think it will make you happy.. go ahead, save some bucks and spend them on this iPAD thingie.. But I would rather spend my money on something nice.

Haha, I might save money to get iPAD4 in the future, if I'm interested.

I think an iPAD is again an example of "something you need to have as a computer geek" , esp. a mac geek.

I really still dont understand the concept of having a big cellphone that you can use to do all tons of shit with, but you cant figure out how to phone or text with it..
(and yes, some people benefit from it and need it, but really 90% of the people I see running with it.. they better spend some money on schoolbooks or whatever)

I see your point. Agree.

About the presentation in seminars? Dont they have laptops for that? I do wonder if such an iPAD can even handle such a presentation? Or that you would be able to plug it into the projector? I mean: its a mac product.. not all companies have all the needed software I suppose?
I never thought about the software compatibility... thanks for pointing it out.

+ its small.. you really want to write a paper on such small screen? It will only hurt your eyes.. And writing: I checked an image of it.. it seems weird to use as a "typemachine"... brrr
thumbs up ^_^

Oh well, evyerone has his own opinion. But mine is simple: waste of money.
(but maybe I am not the right person to tell you this.. I used to have a laptop that was 8 years old and my deskcomputer is maybe 10 years old and I can only do 2 things with my cell phone: call and text message.. and its black and white... and I still dont remember where I placed it)
It is quite interesting to myself that I found somebody who do not use cell phone nowadays. ^_^ How would your family members/boss/colleagues contact you in case there is emergency?

-adrian kohsf-

adrian kohsf on Tue Mar 15 12:16:44 2011 said:

It is quite interesting to myself that I found somebody who do not use cell phone nowadays. ^_^ How would your family members/boss/colleagues contact you in case there is emergency?

If I am at work: they will find me... I mean... I am there, at the office, at the lab... I check my emails often..

At home: I dont see why they need to call me during the evening? If the lab is on fire for ex. , what can I do about it? I mean: emergency? I am not from the firedepartement or a doctor that has to save someones life..

And about being there for familymembers: yeah, thats the only reason I have a cellphone, so that my mother or brothers or dad could phone me in case of an emergency, but even then: they can call my neighbours who still have a "fixed" phone line.. (I dont even have that...) if I dont reply... And also (maybe thats also why I dont need a cellphone, I live nearby, me parents house is maybe 5km away) so they can easly come to my place if needed.

A cellphone (to me) seems only interesting if you are the one in need to make a phone call (eg you are hiking and broke your foot , you can call an ambulance or family to come and get you.. but the other way around its often not really needed...)

A cellphone is nice, it can help... but plz... people overact with it.. they find excuses for it that are not true...

And yes: some professions need a cellphone, but hell, most just dont...

And dont get me wrong: I have one, but I just dont use it often.. And people know that, if they really need to tell me something, they will just email me or send me a text (I try to check my cellphone each night once).


Here's a blog how an ipad can be used in the lab, with an interesting discussion. I guess in some too rich labs it might will become something usual (ipad or some other company's tablet pc). For a small everywhere computer I'd still prefer a "netbook", i.e. a small laptop that you can get here for 200 € (and cheaper).



and you can also check out this flow diagram in case you can't decide yet... :lol:


LOLx toejam,
I salute you for the post. ^_^ thumbs up! :lol:

-adrian kohsf-

:lol:..I especially like the "like to touch things" you can just imagine all these IPAD 2 touchers....ok, Adrian, are you still gonna line up at midnight to buy one?


TJ, really good flowchart... where so ever you found it...

Adrian, I really like your idea of saving for an iPAD4 :P

"Like to touch things" is the best condition...

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